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Everton Nursery School and Family Centre: A history
Everton Nursery School and Family Centre (DfES Early Excellence Centre in 2001) was formed in September 2000 from the amalgamation of Everton Road Nursery School with staff and children from local social services Day Nurseries (the principle one being Adam Cliff Day Nursery). Everton Road Nursery School was one of six nursery schools at the time maintained by Liverpool Education Authority. It was the largest and oldest having been established since 1932. Adam Cliff Day Nursery had been a day nursery for 110 years after the house was left for a day nursery purpose by the owner Adam Cliff. Adam Cliff Day Nursery was situated virtually next door to Everton Road Nursery School in Everton Road. Both establishments were in need of repair.
In September 1998, Liverpool City Council moved Everton Road Nursery School to the site of the former Everton Park Primary School with a view to forming an integrated centre with social services. In September 1999, Adam Cliff Day Nursery joined Everton Road Nursery School to work together in forming the first integrated centre for the city of Liverpool. During the academic year of 1999-2000, staff were recruited from both social services and education for a variety of early childhood educator posts. During 1999-2006 the local West Everton and Breckfield Sure Start programme developed and was attached to the centre through a major building programme. The local Sure Start initiative funded the community and health parts of the building.
Everton Nursery School and Family Centre was originally financed by both education and social services with the Education and Lifelong Learning, Sports, Library and Leisure Service taking a lead responsibility for the school/centre at the time. The nursery school retained its DfES number (341 1003) from Everton Road Nursery School. The nursery school gained DfES ‘Early Excellence Centre’ status in February 2001 and Children’s Centre status with the whole site in June 2003. From 1st April 2004, the Nursery School Governing Body undertook responsibility for delegated powers like primary and secondary schools. E.g. budget. Some parts of the school/centre (some staff contracts from the former social services) were at the time centrally managed but line managed by the Headteacher/Head of Centre. The nursery school/integrated centre piloted an integrated 0-19 Ofsted inspection in May 2004. The recommendation of the HMI Ofsted Team was that the nursery school/centre should have one Head and one Governing Body. In December 2004 the West Everton and Breckfield local Sure Start management board dissolved and the Governing Body of the Nursery School re-constituted. In January 2005, the Nursery School and Children’s Centre had one Governing Body for the whole site with representations from the whole site. The Headteacher of the Nursery School became the Head of Centre as well in September 2005 after the school/centre underwent an assimilation and restructure during June – August 2005 (with the Early Excellence and Sure Start Local Programme government initiatives becoming the full core offer of the Children’s Centre, with links to the local authority for accountability for delivering the core offer services).
During 2010 the Governing Body of the Nursery School and Children’s Centre considered that the school/centre should be renamed Everton Nursery School and Family Centre from Everton Early Childhood Centre/Everton Children and Family Centre. From September 2010 the site has been renamed Everton Nursery School and Family Centre. The Nursery School has been judged Outstanding from Ofsted (Section 5) in May 2004 (HMI), May 2008, May 2011, May 2014, and in October 2018 (Section 8). The Children’s Centre gained Outstanding in all areas from HMI in January 2011.
The philosophy of the Nursery School and Family Centre has always been based upon providing high quality early education with care and high quality services for all young children through working in partnership with their families and the local community.
Everton Nursery School and Family Centre is based in the Everton ward of Liverpool. As a maintained nursery school and children's centre, the school and centre has high quality early childhood education with care at the core of its provision.
The nursery school caters for 124 FTE children from 2 to 5 years, with paid and funded places available term time. The centre is open for 48 weeks of the year and provides activities through the children's centre during non-term time.
Our Awards
Everton Nursery School and Family Centre have achieved a wide range of awards over a number of years, which acknowledge and celebrate the Outstanding practice and provision on offer.

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