The aim of our curriculum at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre is to encourage the all-round development of the child, socially, emotionally, physically, intellectually and spiritually in a safe, secure and stimulating environment through reference to the Early Years Foundation Stage.
We are committed to ensure the highest possible standards of learning and teaching for our young children at all times. We provide purposeful and inspiring learning environments for all children to play, learn and explore. We look, listen and note how children grow at their own rates and challenge them throughout their time at our Nursery School through carefully planned learning experiences.
We plan using the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 'Development Matters' framework and equip all children with broad and balanced learning experiences across all seven areas of learning and development - both indoors and outdoors!
Planning for children’s needs
Our curriculum is planned carefully for the developmental needs of all children under 5. The phase of education for children aged 0-5 is called the Early Years Foundation Stage, which explores children's characteristics of effective learning through seven areas of learning and development:
The Early Years Foundation Stage is used to plan for the development of the whole child. The children’s interests are used as starting points to stimulate learning.
The Learning Environment
Although the nursery may look like an informal playroom, everything has been selected and put out for a purpose. Everything is designed to help children learn and acquire necessary skills. For example; bead threading helps your child develop colour and shape recognition, sequencing, pattern making and hand-eye co-ordination, besides the creative pleasure the experience gives.
Children have access each day to our extensive, carefully planned outdoor environment and at certain times of day can choose to stay indoors or go outside as they wish. Outside they have access to wheeled toys, climbing equipment, sand and water, quiet areas, as well as taking part in planting and maintaining the garden areas. There is an extensive safety surface, and a series of ‘hills’ and pathways to explore. The children also use the indoor hall for physical development activities on large apparatus, and for dance, music and movement activities.
A Typical Day at Everton Nursery School
Heyworth ( 2-3’s)
Morning Session
8.45-9.15am – Welcome Children and Breakfast
9.20-9.30am – Peer Massage and Small group Learning.
9.30-11.30am Indoor & Outdoor Continuous Provision and Enhanced experiences.
11.00am – Island Time sessions.
11.30-11.45am Prepare for home time and story.
11.30-12.00 – Lunch time (Lunch is only for children who are paying for additional sessions or in receipt of the government child care working parent funding).
Heyworth ( 2-3’s)
Afternoon Session
12.30-12.45 Welcome Children
12.45-12.50 Peer Massage and Hello
12.50-3.00 Indoor and Outdoor Continuous Provision and Enhanced experiences.
1.30-2.00 Snack and Island Time sessions.
3.15-3.30 Prepare for home time and story.
Cresswell and Spencer (3-4’s)
9.00-9.15am Welcome Children and Breakfast
9.30-9.45am- Peer Massage followed by Teacher led Learning
9.45-11.00 – Continuous provision and enhanced experiences.
11.00 Family Worker Time
11.25-12.00 Lunch Time
12.10-12.45 Lunch Time
12/12.45-1.00pm – Teacher led learning and Continuous provision and enhanced experiences.
1.30-2.00pm- Afternoon Snack and Family Worker Sessions
2.45-3.00pm Prepare for home time and story.
Continuous Provision -Continuous provision describes all the different areas of play in the classrooms both indoors and outdoors.
Adult led Learning - The adult leads the learning experience with a planned learning intention.
Child led Learning - The adult plays with the child facilitating their ideas allowing the child to take the lead. This takes place during continuous provision.
Teacher Led Learning - Learning planned and delivered by the class teacher exploring the depths of the nursery school curriculum.
Enhanced Experiences at Everton Nursery School
Physical Education
Environment Programme / Eco Sessions
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra music sessions
Music and Movement
Outdoor Play
Forest School programme/Campfires
Educational Visits
Assessment and record-keeping
Our assessment focuses on the whole child, where children are seen as individuals and achievements are celebrated. We have developed a model of effective, meaningful and principled assessment of young children’s learning. We will not spend unnecessary amounts of time writing observations or gathering evidence of children’s learning. We believe that if we are capturing the moment, we cannot be part of the moment. More information about the school education app ‘Learning Journals’ can be found in the home visit pack when your child starts nursery.