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All CPD sessions are open to all Early Years practitioners in the Liverpool City Region and Beyond Stronger Practice Hub 10 Local Authorities. To book on to any CPD session live or recorded email:


Are you looking for a Learning Walk in another school or setting to see early years in action?  We have the following on offer.  Please email the sph email if you would like to book on.


East Prescot Nursery School, 86 East Prescot Road, Liverpool
L14 1PW.
Tuesday 20th March  9.00a.m – 11.30a.m.

Everton Nursery School and Family Centre, Spencer Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L6 2WF. Thursday 27th March  9.30a.m. – 11.45a.m.

If you wish to offer your setting for a learning walk to share practice especially linked to research in communication and early mathematics, let us know via email on


CONFERENCE: Wednesday 26th March 2025 3.30p.m. – 5.30p.m. at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre, Spencer Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L6 2WF.

Our theme for the conference is Intergenerational sustainability and early numeracy with Diane Boyd (Independent Consultant). Diane will share examples of how young children under five explore early numeracy linked to Intergenerational sustainability.


CONFERENCE: Saturday 29th March 2025 9.30a.m. – 12.30p.m. at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre, Spencer Street, Liverpool, Merseyside, L6 2WF. 9.30a.m. – 12.30p.m.

Our theme for the conference is: Exploring Interactive Reading with young children with Alex Gower-Jones (Independent Consultant). Alex will share examples of how young children under five and Interactive Reading can be explored with the educators who work with them.


NEW RECORDING: Tiny Happy People sensory fun for babies indoors and outdoors with low cost/no cost activities shared by Denise Wright (Independent Consultant). The webinar shows educators how they can inspire parents to undertake sensory activities at home to support their child’s learning and development through play.

Also see the following for professionals from Tinny Happy People if you haven’t seen already:

NEW RECORDING: Alex Gower-Jones (Independent Consultant) explores Interactive Reading.


Please email our sph email to book on the conferences or access the recordings re


Our other online recordings you can share with your staff teams or for yourself re your own professional development are:


EMOTIONAL REGULATION: online recorded session by Maria Beale (SENDCO) and Emma Doran (Early Years Co-ordinator) from Whitefield Primary School, Liverpool. Maria and Emma share how they have worked with children in the early years and their families exploring emotional regulation.


NURSERY RHYMES: online recorded session by Faye Johnson, Assistant Headteacher from Everton Nursery School and Family Centre has put together a session on exploring Nursery Rhymes as a staff team with young children.


COMMUNICATION AND LANGUAGE: online recorded session by Amanda Quirk, Early Years Advisory Teacher, from our Hub team has put together an online programme for early years staff exploring communication and language.


OAP (ORDINARY AVAILABLE PROVISION) – Amanda Quirk, Early Years Advisory Teacher, from our Hub team has put together a recording on OAP (Ordinary Available Provision) in early years.


USING MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - Craig and Pip from East Prescot Nursery School, Liverpool have developed an online recording on how to use a range of musical instruments. Childminders across our Hub have the opportunity to borrow a musical instruments bag but many early years educators will have these musical instruments in their provision.


MATHEMATICS RECORDED ONLINE – Rebecca Morgan (Nursery Teacher) has recorded a practical session online to share with colleagues to explore mathematics. Email the sph email if you would like to access the session via Vimeo.

SENSORY CURRICULUM RECORDED ONLINE - Emma-Louise Scott (Nurture Teacher) from Everton Nursery School and Family centre shares her experiences and practical examples of a sensory curriculum.


Kaya Doyle (Programme Manager) shares an introduction to early emotional health, the issues children face and links to socio-economic backgrounds.


Don’t forget to sign up for Dingley’s modules if you haven’t already:


If you are a Liverpool practitioner you can access Dingley’s Promise free. Please register at the following:

Click the link, register, then access whenever suits.


Outside of Liverpool please look at the Dingley’s Promise website for more information. If you would like to access any of the modules please register an interest in the sph email address.


Every Wednesday 9.30-11.30a.m. at Deysbrook Community Centre, Liverpool, L12 4XF.

Every Wednesday 9.30-11.30a.m., term time, St Hilda's Church Hall, Hunts Cross, Stuart Avenue, Liverpool, L25 0NG
The aim of the Liverpool City region and Beyond Stronger Practice Hub Childminder Forum is to gauge if there is a need which as some childminders are isolated with limited or no networks in their LAs. We aim to initially give some case studies from childminders and share how the Liverpool City Region and Beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub has supported them over the last 12 months, plus give any national updates, share what CPD we have and share the EEF and DFE funded interventions. 

If you attend a drop in or meet up with other childminders across the Liverpool City Region and Beyond area, please let us know so we can advertise, allowing local childminder colleagues to attend, join in and network.


If you are a Liverpool Childminder and wish to borrow a Wellcomm bag to use with your children, email the sph email as we can support you and loan a Wellcomm bag to you for a period of time.



Each bag of carefully selected items will be a welcome addition to your setting which in turn supports your children’s development.

Each resource bag is designed to be used individually and with a group of childminder colleagues and shared as a lending library.


Also included will be Outdoor and Nature, Habitats and Musicical Instruments bags.


If you would like to access these resources, email us on our sph email address.

Don’t forget to access information from our national Stronger Practice website.

Liverpool City Region and Beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub | Stronger Practice Hubs​

Here you will find information about our podcasts as well as blogs and training sessions.

Many thanks

Lesley Curtis

Programme Lead for Liverpool City Region and Beyond, Early Years Stronger Practice Hub

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