Navenda Nurture

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Children have access to daily sensory circuits which include proprioceptive and vestibular movements that are designed to alert, organise and calm; helping to regulate.From April 2022, our Centre for Nurture became a Local Authority resourced provision for children with special educational needs and disability (SEND) for children 2.5 years to 5 years of age.

The Objectives of the Resourced Maintained Nursery School Provision
The objectives are to provide specialist provision and strategies that are suitable for the age, ability and aptitude or SEND of each child so that:
they are happy at nursery, feel included and fully participate in the life of the nursery school
they have a successful transition to the next setting
their parents have confidence in the SEND provision offer in Liverpool’s maintained nursery schools
Eligibility Criteria for the Provision at Everton Maintained Nursery School Age
Children will be aged 2.5-5 years
In exceptional circumstances, the local authority may place children outside this age criteria
SEND eligibility will be assessed by a LCC SEND Early Years Officer
In exceptional circumstances, the local authority may place children outside this SEND criteria
Children will have speech, language and communication needs or be on the neurodevelopment pathway or have a diagnosis of autism
Communicative abilities will be significantly delayed in both expressive and receptive skills and children are highly likely to have had these needs identified very early by a trained professional such as a speech and language therapist
The severity of the impact of autism, or potential autism, upon the child will be profound and multi-faceted and will have a significant detrimental impact upon the child’s ability to:
Engage in any level of formal learning or purposeful play
Demonstrate or develop the fundamentals of communication,
Self-manage behaviours that challenge such as aggressive behaviour, self-harm, or alternative high risk behaviours
Self-regulate potential sensory processing disorders resulting in the need for seeking/avoidance mechanisms to cope with environments even when adapted
Naturally interpret, and learn from social situations at an age appropriate level despite targeted and specific learning attempts
Naturally develop the ability to apply flexible thinking techniques as part of typical development, e.g. making choices, anticipating sequences/outcomes, managing micro and macro transitions
Some children will be under assessment for or have additionally diagnosed conditions including cognition and learning needs (CLN) and sensory needs associated with autism or potential autism
Children identified for maintained nursery school resourced places are highly likely to be working at levels identified within the engagement model
The above needs impact upon the child simultaneously resulting in significant challenges to delivering provision without significant adaptations, namely:
1:1 teacher led specialist programmes,
highly adapted environments
individual, specific and personalised assess, plan, do and review cycles requiring highly specialist skills and knowledge
Some children will be under assessment for or have additionally diagnosed conditions including cognition and learning needs (CLN) and sensory needs associated with CASC
Children identified for resourced maintained nursery school places are highly likely to be working at levels identified within the engagement model

Placement of Children in Resourced Maintained Nursery Schools
Whilst the placement process is embedded, individual children will be identified by the local authority in partnership with key staff in the maintained nursery schools (please see Maintained Nursery School Resourced Placement Pathway).
In order to quickly place and meet need, children will not require an EHCP to be eligible for a resourced maintained nursery school place, as it is expected that, as criteria for resourced provision has been met, children being placed will be assessed using the statutory frameworks, to ensure pathways into reception are considered at the earliest opportunity
For children with an EHCP, maintained nursery schools will be consulted by LCC's SEND Team
Upon placement, the current high needs funding agreement for the child will cease and the High Needs Support Team will be alerted by the maintained nursery school
The placement process will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure an equitable citywide offer
Criteria for Children
The Headteacher or SENDCo at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre will support transition to the next setting and bring to the attention of the local authority at the earliest opportunity any potentially deferred children
The Accommodation for the Provision
The accommodation will consist of an appropriate early years teaching and learning space for children with SEND, aged 2.5-5 years
The provision will be overseen by the Senior Leadership Team of Everton Nursery School
Individual children’s SEND support planning will be overseen by staff holding qualified teacher status
Staff will have annual performance management reviews resulting in the writing of a development plan outlining their continuing professional development, to ensure that they are kept updated in the field of SEND, and early years provision.