NĂȘzĂźkatiya me ya hĂźnkirin Ă» fĂȘrbĂ»na FonĂźkĂȘ
li Everton Nursery School
Li Dibistana Zarokan a Everton, em zarokan di fĂȘrbĂ»na wan de digirin
bi rĂȘya berjewendiyĂȘn xwe. Mamoste van berjewendiyan ji bo plansaziyĂȘ bikar tĂźnin
tecrubeyĂȘn hĂźnbĂ»na çalak Ă» afirĂźner ku zarokan pĂȘĆ dixe
jĂȘhatĂźbĂ»na guhdarĂź Ă» baldariyĂȘ.
Mamoste rĂȘbernameyĂȘn ji 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised' bikar tĂźnin da ku hĂźnkirin Ă» fĂȘrbĂ»nĂȘ bidomĂźnin. Mamoste hevsengiya serpĂȘhatiyĂȘn bi rĂȘberiya zarok Ă» mezinan pĂȘĆkĂȘĆĂź hemĂ» zarokan dikin ku hĂȘviyĂȘn bernameya dersĂȘ ji bo 'Ragihandin Ă» ziman' Ă» 'xwende-nivĂźsendetiyĂȘ' pĂȘk tĂźnin. Van ezmĂ»nĂȘn rojane ev in:
· Sharing high-quality stories and poems _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
· Learning a range of nursery rhymes and action rhymes_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
· Activities that develop focused listening and attention (including oral blending)_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
· _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-5cde-3194-bb3b-136b355c5-rojane
Ji bo zarokĂȘn ku di girĂȘdana dengan de bĂȘtir xwebawer in
bi tĂźpan Ă» yĂȘn ku di qonaxĂȘn destpĂȘkĂȘ yĂȘn xwendinĂȘ de ne,
em bi danasßna wan hßnbûna wan dijwar dikin
temen Ă» qonaxĂȘn guncantir derfetĂȘn fĂȘrbĂ»nĂȘ
hem li hundur Ă» hem jĂź li derve. Em bi berfirehĂź dixwĂźnin Ă» parve dikin
pirtĂ»kĂȘn bi zarokan re ku li ser herduyan disekine
nivĂźsarĂȘn çßrokĂź Ă» ne-nivĂźskĂź. Em li hemberĂź zarokan disekinin
zanĂźna fonetĂźk bi rĂȘya pĂȘĆgotin Ă»
tevlĂȘbĂ»na cureyĂȘn cuda yĂȘn nivĂźsandinĂȘ da ku zarok
ji herf, deng, peyv, nivĂźs Ă» agahiyan tĂȘgihiĆtinek kĂ»r Ă» ewledar bidest bixin.
ZarokĂȘn di dersĂȘn Dibistana Zarokan de rojane tev li 'daniĆĂźnĂȘn bi rĂȘberiya Mamoste' dibin, ku tĂȘ de tĂȘgehĂȘn wekĂź rĂźtm Ă» qafiye bĂȘtir pĂȘĆde diçin. Li seranserĂȘ hawĂźrdorĂȘn fĂȘrbĂ»nĂȘ yĂȘn hundur Ă» derveyĂź, zarok xwedĂź fersendĂȘ ne ku li gelek çavkaniyĂȘn qalĂźteya bilind bigerin da ku bi domdarĂź zanĂźna xwe ya tĂźpan Ă», di encamĂȘ de, dengĂȘn xwe pĂȘĆve bibin.
TecrĂ»beyĂȘn wekĂź 'Di AhengĂȘ de' Ă» 'Tuning In' bi muzĂźkjenĂȘn fĂźlarmonĂźk ĂȘn li cĂźhĂȘ re Ă» MuzĂźk Ă» Tevger bi KarmendĂȘn NĂ»rsery re jĂź piĆtgirĂź didin kapasĂźteya zarokan ku bi dengan vebibin. Zarok bi repertĂ»areke zengĂźn a risteyĂȘn zarokxaneyĂȘ Ă» risteyĂȘn çalakiyĂȘ yĂȘn ku tĂȘ de serpĂȘhatiyĂȘn pir-hestĂź tĂȘ de hene, wek qafiyeyĂȘn çalakiyĂȘ yĂȘn ku tĂȘ de zarok neçar in ku çepikan, lĂȘdana çokan an morĂȘn lingan lĂȘ zĂȘde bikin, an jĂź bi rengek taybetĂź tevbigerin._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
Ji bo bĂȘtir agahdarĂź li ser Little Wandle Letters and Sounds ji kerema xwe biçin:
Sharing high-quality stories and poems
Learning a range of nursery rhymes and action rhymes
Activities that develop focused listening and attention (including oral blending)
Modelling high-quality language during daily interactions.

âFor children who are more confident in linking sounds to letters and who are at the early stages of reading,
we challenge their learning through the introduction of more age and stage appropriate learning opportunities
both indoors and outdoors. We read and share a broad range of books with the children that focus on both
fiction and non-fiction text. We challenge children's phonetical knowledge through the introduction and
engagement of different writing genres so that children gain a deep and secure understanding of letters, sounds, words, text and information.
Children in the Nursery School classes engage in daily ‘Teacher led sessions’ through which concepts such as rhythm and rhyme are developed further. Throughout the indoor and outdoor learning environments, children have the opportunity to explore a range of high-quality resources to continuously develop their knowledge of letters and, in turn, their sounds.
Experiences such as ‘In Harmony’ and ‘Tuning In’ with the Philharmonic musicians on-site and Music and Movement with the Nursery Staff also support children’s ability to tune in to sounds. Children experience a rich repertoire of nursery rhymes and action rhymes that include multi-sensory experiences, such as action rhymes in which children have to add claps, knee pats or foot stamps, or move in a particular way.
For more information about Little Wandle Letters and Sounds please visit:

Please see the Little Wandle Nursery yearly plan that Everton Nursery School children mostly follow apart from that we do not expose children to Little Wandle 'picture cards' as the planning states. We do not use the Little Wandle picture cards as not all children will continue the Little Wandle Journey into reception so our approach is responsive to this knowledge.Â