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- SEND Enhanced Provision | ENSFC
Navenda Nurture Hûn bi xêr hatin rûpela Navenda Nurture. Ji kerema xwe li jêr rêzeçalakiyên ku hûn li malê bi zarokê xwe re bigihîjin bibînin. Em ê zêde bikin vê rûpelê. Ger pêşniyarên we ji bo çalakiyên fêrbûna malê ji bo zarokên 4-7 salî hebin ji kerema xwe bi e-nameyê re bişî Çavkanî Çîrokên li ser Kanala me ya Youtube Çîrokên ji xebatkarên li ser Kanala me ya You Tube. Children have access to daily sensory circuits which include proprioceptive and vestibular movements that are designed to alert, organise and calm; helping to regulate. From April 2022, our Centre for Nurture became a Local Authority resourced provision for children with special educational needs and disability (SEND) for children 2.5 years to 5 years of age. The Objectives of the Resourced Maintained Nursery School Provision The objectives are to provide specialist provision and strategies that are suitable for the age, ability and aptitude or SEND of each child so that: they are happy at nursery, feel included and fully participate in the life of the nursery school they have a successful transition to the next setting their parents have confidence in the SEND provision offer in Liverpool’s maintained nursery schools Eligibility Criteria for the Provision at Everton Maintained Nursery School Age Children will be aged 2.5-5 years In exceptional circumstances, the local authority may place children outside this age criteria SEND SEND eligibility will be assessed by a LCC SEND Early Years Officer In exceptional circumstances, the local authority may place children outside this SEND criteria Children will have speech, language and communication needs or be on the neurodevelopment pathway or have a diagnosis of autism Communicative abilities will be significantly delayed in both expressive and receptive skills and children are highly likely to have had these needs identified very early by a trained professional such as a speech and language therapist The severity of the impact of autism, or potential autism, upon the child will be profound and multi-faceted and will have a significant detrimental impact upon the child’s ability to: Engage in any level of formal learning or purposeful play Demonstrate or develop the fundamentals of communication, Self-manage behaviours that challenge such as aggressive behaviour, self-harm, or alternative high risk behaviours Self-regulate potential sensory processing disorders resulting in the need for seeking/avoidance mechanisms to cope with environments even when adapted Naturally interpret, and learn from social situations at an age appropriate level despite targeted and specific learning attempts Naturally develop the ability to apply flexible thinking techniques as part of typical development, e.g. making choices, anticipating sequences/outcomes, managing micro and macro transitions Some children will be under assessment for or have additionally diagnosed conditions including cognition and learning needs (CLN) and sensory needs associated with autism or potential autism Children identified for maintained nursery school resourced places are highly likely to be working at levels identified within the engagement model The above needs impact upon the child simultaneously resulting in significant challenges to delivering provision without significant adaptations, namely: 1:1 teacher led specialist programmes, highly adapted environments individual, specific and personalised assess, plan, do and review cycles requiring highly specialist skills and knowledge Some children will be under assessment for or have additionally diagnosed conditions including cognition and learning needs (CLN) and sensory needs associated with CASC Children identified for resourced maintained nursery school places are highly likely to be working at levels identified within the engagement model Placement of Children in Resourced Maintained Nursery Schools Whilst the placement process is embedded, individual children will be identified by the local authority in partnership with key staff in the maintained nursery schools (please see Maintained Nursery School Resourced Placement Pathway). In order to quickly place and meet need, children will not require an EHCP to be eligible for a resourced maintained nursery school place, as it is expected that, as criteria for resourced provision has been met, children being placed will be assessed using the statutory frameworks, to ensure pathways into reception are considered at the earliest opportunity For children with an EHCP, maintained nursery schools will be consulted by LCC's SEND Team Upon placement, the current high needs funding agreement for the child will cease and the High Needs Support Team will be alerted by the maintained nursery school The placement process will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure an equitable citywide offer Criteria for Children The Headteacher or SENDCo at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre will support transition to the next setting and bring to the attention of the local authority at the earliest opportunity any potentially deferred children The Accommodation for the Provision The accommodation will consist of an appropriate early years teaching and learning space for children with SEND, aged 2.5-5 years Staffing The provision will be overseen by the Senior Leadership Team of Everton Nursery School Individual children’s SEND support planning will be overseen by staff holding qualified teacher status Staff will have annual performance management reviews resulting in the writing of a development plan outlining their continuing professional development, to ensure that they are kept updated in the field of SEND, and early years provision.
- Home Learning Stories | ENSFC
Çîrokên Fêrbûna Malê Booktrust Çîrokên înteraktîf ên ji mezintirîn xêrxwaziya xwendina zarokan a UK-ê Booktrust. Hin kûçikan dikin Owl Babies Rumble di daristanê de Very Carefully veke ezf Xwe Bextewar û Hûn Dizanin
- Blogs | ENSFC
Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscribe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newsletters Recruitment Blogs, Case Studies and Podcasts ENGAGING GROWTH WITH ‘THE GARDEN CLASSROOM’ Tracie Dowling The Garden Classroom ‘Lost words’ reflected through the three pillars of sustainability and the SDGs. Diane Boyd Lost Words Craig Bolton, Headteacher at East Prescot Road Nursery School, Liverpool, introduces the NELI Preschool programme. East Prescot Road Nursery School is a partner of the Stronger Practice Hub. NELI Preschool programme Thank you to Amanda Quirk, a strategic partner to the Hub (linked to Generate Teaching School Hub) for our first blog: 4 Actions to Restart Well in Early Years - Generate Teaching Hub Video blogs Everton Nursery Teacher Kate Doyle and Dr Diane Boyd present The Authentic development of a Sensory Garden through the 17 SDGs 1. The 'otherness' of the non-human world - highlighting worms! 2. Agency in Action – Children voicing their thinking through mark making. 3. Discovering recycling waste and contamination through a community visit. 4. Understanding Construction and Positioning of a Bug hotel in our garden. 5 Sparking interest through visiting Everton Park Nature Garden in our neighbourhood 6. The Fix-it Shop! Shopping lists, money, decision – making in action. 7. Sensory cognitive explorations using recycleable sustainable resources through tyres, hurricanes and the rain! Strategic Partners Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice
- Everton Nursery School and Family Centre | Nursery | Liverpool, UK
1/5 Look at the activities we explore at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre Up We have 2, 3 and 4 year old 15 hour funded places available for September 2024 Apply here Up Welcome to Everton Nursery School and Family Centre. Mission Statement The mission of Everton Nursery School and Family Centre is to promote the children’s educational and social development and help families have and achieve high expectations for themselves and the community. On behalf of all the Staff and Governors I would like to welcome all children and their families. We look forward to working with you. The Nursery School and Children's Centre is open 8.00a.m. to 3.30p.m. Telephone: 0151 233 1969 Telephone calls to the Nursery School and Children's Centre can be supported during this time period. Outside of these times the telephones and reception are not staffed. If you wish to report a child's absence please use Arbor or leave a message on the answer machine. Please note the waiting areas for classes are via two different entrances. Parents are asked to wait in the designated areas for their child’s class . Spencer classes Children are to wait in the staff car park with their parents in Spencer Street. Cresswe ll and Heyworth classes Children are to wait in the waiting area at the back of the school/centre accessed via the Forest School path gate from Spencer Street visitors car park. Hûn bi xêr hatin Dibistan û Navenda Malbatê ya Everton Nursery. Li ser navê hemû Karmend û Waliyan ez bixêrhatina hemû zarok û malbatên wan dikim. Em li bendê ne ku di sala akademîk a pêş de bi we re bixebitin. Dibistana Zarokan û Navenda Zarokan ji saet 08.30 heta 16.00 vekirî ye. Di vê heyamê de têlefonên li Dibistana Zarokan û Navenda Zarokan dikare were piştgirî kirin. Li derveyî van deman têlefon û resepsiyonê ne karmend in. Heke hûn dixwazin nebûna zarokekî ragihînin ji kerema xwe ParentMail bikar bînin an jî li ser makîneya bersivdanê peyamek bihêlin. Ji Îlona 2022 , ji kerema xwe bala xwe bidin qadên bendewariyê yên dersan bi du deriyên cihê ne. Ji dêûbavan tê xwestin ku li deverên destnîşankirî li benda pola zarokên xwe yên ku ji hêla civakî ve dûr in bisekinin. Zarokên pola Spencer divê li kolana Spencer bi dêûbavên xwe re li parka gerîdeya karmendan bisekinin. Zarokên Cresswell û Heyworth divê li qada bendê li paşiya dibistanê/navendê ku ji deriyê riya Dibistana Forestê ji parka gerîdeyên Spencer Street tê gihîştin bisekinin. Deriyê têketin/derketinê yê Cresswell Street di dema ku zarok têkevin û ji navendê derdikevin nayê vekirin. Karmend dê di destpêka/dawiya rojê de ji we re bibin alîkar ku hûn têkevin/derketina ji mektebê/navenda navendê demên dibistanê. Ji kerema xwe dûrî deriyên dibistanê park bikin (û ne li ser xetên zig-zagê yên zer ên bê parkkirinê) an parka gerîdeyê li cîh bikar bînin an dûrî kolana Spencer an Cresswell park bikin û berbi deriyên deriyê dibistanê bimeşin da ku hemî zarok ewle bimînin._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Demên dersan wiha ne: Dersên Cresswell: Duşem, Sêşem, Pêncşem û Înî saet 9.00 dest pê dikin û 3.00 danê êvarê diqedin. Sibeha Çarşemê sinifa Cresswell di saet 9.00an de dest pê dike û di 12.00ê nîvro de diqede. û sinifa Cresswell piştî nîvro roja Çarşemê ji 12.15 heta 15.15 dest pê dike. Dersên Spencer 1 û 2: 9.00a.m. destpêk û 15.00 bi dawî bibe roja Duşem, Sêşem, Pêncşem û Înî. Sibeha Çarşemê dersên Spencer di saet 9.00an de dest pê dikin û di 12.00ê nîvro de diqedin. û piştî nîvro dersên Spencer roja Çarşemê ji saet 12.15 heta 15.15 dest pê dikin. Navenda Spencer 3 ji bo Dersa Nurture di 09:00 de dest pê dike. û saet 15.00 bi dawî dibe. li ketina / derketina kolana Spencer. Dersên Heyworth di 09:00 de dest pê dikin. û ji qada bendewariyê ya li pişt dibistanê/navendê têne gihîştin û saet di 15:00 de diqedin. roja Duşem, Sêşem, Pêncşem û Înî an jî 12ê nîvro ger cîhek we ya sibê hebe. Sibeha Çarşemê dersên Heyworth saet di 9.00an de dest pê dikin û di saet 12.00an de diqedin. û piştî nîvro dersên Heyworth ji saet 12.15 heta 15.15 roja Çarşemê dest pê dikin. Cihên ku têne dayîn ji 08:00 heta 13:00 hene. an saet 13.00. heta saet 17:15 saetên destpêk û qedandinê. Taştêya me ji saet 08.00an pê ve li salona dibistanê tê dayîn. Ji kerema xwe li ber deriyên ducar ên li nêzî metbexa dibistanê li Kolana Spencer bisekinin û endamek karmend dê zarokê we ji deriyên ducar werbigire/derxe. Piştî Dibistana me jî li salona dibistanê ye. Divê herî dereng saet di 5.15 pm de zarok ji dayîna Piştî Dibistanê werin berhev kirin. Ger dêûbav/nenêrvan dereng zarokê/zarokên xwe ji Piştî Dibistanê an roja dibistanê ya sereke berhev bikin, serê saetekê 5 £ tê dayîn. Heta ku randevûyeke bijîjkî ya bi delîlên ku li ser randevûyê hatine dîtin nebin, tu zarok zû dev ji danişînên kreşxaneyê bernadin. Perwerdehiya hemşîreyê ji bo hin zarokên 2 salî û 3 û 4 salî 15 saetan û ji bo dêûbavên ku dixebitin 30 demjimêran ji bo zarokên 3 û 4 salî tê fînanse kirin. Di hemû danişînan de tevlêbûna tam û nuqte hewce ye. Beşdarbûn û rastbûna nebaş dê bête asteng kirin (wekî ku ji hêla Desthilata Herêmî ya me ve tê xwestin) û dikare bandorê li cîhê zarokê we bike._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5d Heya nuha, serdanên pola meya Hemşîreyê tenê bi randevûyê ne. Di vê navberê de ji kerema xwe li jêr gerên virtual yên hawîrdorên fêrbûna pola me bibînin. Heyworth dersên me yên 2-3 salî ne û Cresswell û Spencer dersên me yên 3-4 salî ne. Di dawiyê de, ji kerema xwe, ger hûn difikirin ku nîşanên coronavirus li we hene, NE nekevin Malpera Dibistana Zarokan an Navenda Zarokan. Ger pirs an fikarên we hebin, ji kerema xwe bi min re têkilî daynin ser Rêz û rêz L. Curtis Dr. Lesley Curtis OBE Serokê / Serokê Navenda Our Breakfast provision is held in the school hall from 8a.m. Please wait at the double doors near to the school kitchen in Spencer Street and a member of staff will receive/dismiss your child from the double doors. Our After School provision is also in the school hall. Children are to be collected from the After School provision by 5.15p.m. at the latest. If parents/carers are late collecting their child/children from After School or the main school day there is a £5 per hour charge. No children are to leave their nursery sessions early unless they have a medical appointment with evidence seen of the appointment. Nursery education is funded for 15 hours for some 2 year olds and 3 and 4 year olds and 30 hours for 3 and 4 year olds for parents who work. Full attendance and punctuality is required at all sessions. Poor attendance and punctuality will be challenged (as required by our Local Authority) and could impact on your child’s place. At present, visits to our Nursery Class are by appointment only. In the meantime please see below virtual tours of our classroom learning environments. Heyworth is our 2-3 years classes and Cresswell and Spencer are our 3-4 year olds classes. Finally, please DO NOT come into the Nursery School or Children's Centre site if you consider that you have the symptoms of coronavirus. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Yours sincerely L. Curtis Dr. Lesley Curtis OBE Headteacher/Head of Centre Tiştên ku îro bikin Load More
Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscribe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newsletters Recruitment ENGAGING GROWTH WITH ‘THE GARDEN CLASSROOM’ By Tracie Dowling My name is Tracie Dowling, I have worked in childcare for over 30 years. I’m an OFSTED Registered Childminder, Mentor for the Department of Education , Northwest Childminder Representative and Childminding Network Co-ordinator, PEEP Facilitator and Childminder Employer based in Liverpool. I employ an amazing assistant, Debbie and together we care for eight children under the age of five years. Throughout my career as a Registered Childminder, I have incorporated holistic learning into my practices. Over the years this has evolved, and I refer to my way of teaching as ‘The Garden Classroom’ which you can read about on my blog . Although this way of learning is primarily outdoors, the learning is year-long and therefore I have created ways of learning no matter the season. The Garden Classroom practices always incorporate the three prime areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the Characteristics of Effective Teaching and Learning. Read on to learn how I weave these key components into outdoor play. OUTDOOR LEARNING The Garden Classroom is a space where children can learn and grow, connecting to nature and the world around them. Outdoor exploration not only connects toddlers and babies with the seasons and everchanging weather, but also promotes physical activity, a sense of wonder, and an appreciation for the natural environment. Providing gardening activities for my children has proven to be great way to engage them with hands-on learning, including growing food from seed to plate, food sensory education , pond-dipping and lifecycles, and practicing sustainability through composting and recycling. The children learn vital skills such as adaptability and resilience by witnessing their environment going through the cycles. This helps them understand the concept of change and builds resilience in the face of transitions. In one area of our garden, we have a pet cemetery. Here, we have buried our family pets and other creatures who have come and gone. This space allows us to teach the children about the life-death cycle and accept change. Similarly, every year we experience frogspawn, giving us the opportunity to learn about birth and growth as we watch their little tails shrink and their legs grow. To support the children’s cognitive skills, we provide activities to observe and understand nature through investigation. The children’s favourite activities at the moment are pond dipping and growing and harvesting flowers, fruit, and vegetables. Some of the learning objectives within these activities are linked to lifecycles, categorising, comparison and pattern recognition in nature. Supporting the children to experience the wonders of changing seasons has a positive effect on their emotional well-being, mine, and Debbie’s too! The children take naps outside and participate in meditation while the birds are singing away. These activities provide opportunities for relaxation and promote a sense of calm and happiness. It is proven that spending time in nature has mental health benefits as well as emotional and physical benefits . SEASONAL LEARNING Every season and even every different day outdoors, brings a new set of sensory stimulation by exploring the sights, textures, aromas, even the noises of the natural world. The experiences are endless. The children love finding the strawberries and munching away, and there is no better taste than a sun-ripened cherry tomato, if they leave me any! Unfolding the characteristics of seasonal vocabulary during our activities also contributes to early language and provides children with the skills to articulate their observations and experiences. Whether its playing in the muddy puddles, counting the frogs or learning to sow seeds, the language opportunities are endless. The seasons are also a lovely way to promote cultural celebrations and traditions. We love the harvest festival where we like to gather our produce and share with our families, or Diwali where we cover the garden with lights and have a magical Diwali feast. There are many ways to weave cultural traditions into your very own Garden Classroom. “Lovely to watch her be so interested in how it grows. How she cares for it, and that she’s happy with the end result, we’ve even started growing our own strawberries and sunflowers at home” – Elsie’s Mum. By incorporating a Garden Classroom into your setting, your children can foster environmental awareness, develop a sense of responsibility and appreciation of the natural world, which in turn lays the groundwork for their future environmental consciousness. Seasonal changes spark natural curiosity and wonder within the children, giving them the opportunity for questioning and exploration, cultivating a mindset of inquiry and lifelong learning. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) The Early Years Toolkit brings together the best available evidence on key areas of learning and development. It can support all childminders when making decisions on how to improve learning outcomes. Physical development approaches | EEF Other research Useful resource: Garden activities for September :: The Garden Classroom - NurtureStore The Edible Garden – Alys Fowler (book and BBC Series 2010) Strategic Partners Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice
- Early Years Professional Development Pro | ENSFC
Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscribe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newsletters Recruitment Early Years Professional Development Programme Early Years Professional Development Programme (EYDP) I cannot recommend the Early Years Professional Development Programme enough to any early years practitioner whether they are new to the sector or have many years of experience. Being able to adapt ideas from the training and talking to colleagues on the webinar has been invaluable. Understanding children’s depth of knowledge in Early Maths has allowed me to enhance activities allowing me to see the immediate, positive impact on their learning. Ten simple hints and tips could make any setting become “language rich” and the ability to spot and fix communication “cold spots” personally I am so glad I signed up. June Cargill Ofsted Registered Outstanding Childminder Strategic Partners Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice
- Operation Encompass | ENSFC
Operasyona Encompass
- Room Hire | ENSFC
1/6 Tesîsên Konferansê û Kirêkirina odeyê Tesîsên Konferansê û Kirêkirina odeyê Em dikarin odeyên civînê ji bo her fersendê ji civînek yek heya yek, heya konferansek ji 100 kesan re peyda bikin. Karmendên metbexê yên li ser malperê dikarin hewcedarî û hewcedariyên we yên kesane bicîh bînin. Amûrên pêşkêşî û ICT-ê di nav de projeyên LCD, komputer, axaftvan û hêj bêtir têne peyda kirin. Ji bo bêtir agahdarî ji kerema xwe telefon bikin 0151 233 1969. Room Hire Prices Her roj 250 £, 8.30-16.30 125 £ her roj, 8.30-12.30 an 12.30-16.30 Bikaranîna demjimêr di navbera 15:00 de heye. û 19.00. û serê saetekê 30,00 £ tê girtin. Vexwarinên (Çay, Qehwe, Av û Biskuwît) dikarin werin peyda kirin. Parka Otomobîlê ya Belaş heye. Room Booking Form
- Online Safety | ENSFC
Ewlekariya serhêl Ewlehiya serhêl li Dibistana Zarokan û Navenda Malbatê ya Everton ji me re pir girîng e. Li jêr zencîreyên cihêreng binêre da ku di dema serhêl de xwe û zarokên xwe ewle bihêlin piştgirî bikin._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb30cc575 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Me vê dawîyê dest bi kanala xwe ya You Tube kiriye. Ji bo parastina zarokê xwe dema li You Tube temaşe dike, ji kerema xwe PDF-ya rêwerzên hêsan nîşan dide ku hûn wekî dêûbav û lênêran li pey bişopînin û "Qedexekirî" vekin. Mode' dema ku You Tube bikar tîne. Dema ku zarokê we li malperê digere ev ê naveroka gihîştî an neguncaw asteng bike. Rêbernameya sînorkirina YouTube Ji bo Rêbernameyek Dêûbav a Facebookê, ji kerema xwe bikirtînin vir . Zêdetir agahdarî li ser Facebookê, Pêvek . Zêdetir Rêbernameyên Medya Civakî vir. Bifikirin bernameya perwerdehiyê ya ji NCA-CEOP, rêxistinek Keyaniya Yekbûyî ye ku zarokan hem serhêl û hem jî negirêdayî diparêze. Thinkuknow Ewlehiya serhêl li pakêtên malê Malbatên çalakiyên 15 hûrdemî yên hêsan dikarin bikin da ku ewlehiya serhêl a zarokê xwe li malê piştgirî bikin. Pakêtên ji bo temenên 4 heta 14+ hene. Dêûbav her weha dikarin rêberên vîdyoyên me yên li ser mijarên cihêreng ên ewlehiya serhêl temaşe bikin. Thinkuknow Amûrên ewlehiya serhêl Ji bo fêrbûna rûbirû: Bitesize çalakî û pelên xebatê li ser bingeha pakêtên çalakiya meya malê ya ku hûn dikarin di cîhana perwerdehiya xwe de rû bi rû radestî zarok û ciwanan bikin. Amûrên di navbera 5 û 14+ de dikarin werin bikar anîn. Ji bo agahdariya li ser cûrbecûr mijarên ICT, tevî medyaya civakî, ji kerema xwe bikirtînin vir ji bo gihîştina rûpela BBC Webwise. Everton Nursery School û Navenda Malbatê çend sal berê niha 360 pileya ewle, Nîşana Ewlehiya Serhêl hate xelat kirin. Ji bo xwendin an dakêşana polîtîkaya Ewlehiya Serhêl a dibistana me/navendê, ji kerema xwe bikirtînin vir .
- Governor Information | ENSFC
Agahiyên Walî Constitution Beşdariya Waliyan Parêzgerên Tevlêbûna PFR Parent Governors Destana Walî Walî Sal Planner Walî û Struktura Komîteya Endamtiya Walî û Agahdariya 2022/2023
- Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) | ENSFC
Premiuma Xwendekarên Sersalên Destpêkê (EYPP) Premiuma Xwendekarên Sersala li Dibistan û Navenda Malbatê ya Everton Nursey Ji Nîsana 2015-an vir ve, Dibistana Zarokan û Navenda Malbatê ya Everton bi mebesta piştgirî û dewlemendkirina pêşkeftin, fêrbûn û lênihêrîna zarokan bi rêya Premiuma Xwendekarên Sersalên Destpêkê (EYPP) dravdanek zêde peyda kir. EYPP ji hemî zarokên Dibistana Hemşîreyê yên bijarte fonek zêde peyda kiriye da ku Dibistana Hemşîre ya Everton û Navenda Malbatê karibe cûdahiya perwerdehiyê kêm bike. EYPP ji bo hemî zarokên sê û çar salî yên mafdar ku dêûbavên wan hin feydeyan werdigirin an jî bi fermî di lênihêrîna desthilatdariya herêmî de bûn lê ji ber ku hatine pejirandin an jî di bin çavdêriyek taybetî de bûn dev ji lênêrînê berdane EYPP di saetekê de 53 pence zêde dide. an fermana arrangement zarok. Armanc ev e ku Dibistana Zarokan û Navenda Malbatê ya Everton dê salek 302 £ bistînin (nêzîkî 111,30 £ di du serdeman de û 79,40 £ ji bo heyama dawîn heke zarok hîn li dibistanê be) ji hêla Desthilatdariya Herêmî ve ji bo her zarokek ku bigihîje 570-ya xwe ya tevahî. saetan mafê perwerdehiya destpêkê tê fînanse kirin. Ji ber pergalên Desthilatdariya Herêmî yên ji bo ragihandina mafdariyê, em wekî Dibistana Zarokan (li gorî Dibistanek Seretayî) bi gelemperî nekarin bigihîjin agahdariya zelal di derbarê hin zarokên ku ji bo Premiuma Xwendekarên Sersalî (EYPP) guncan in, heya ku zarok neçin cîhê din. mîheng. Ev ji bo Dibistana Zarokan a Everton û Navenda Malbatê ku bi karanîna daneyên Xwarinên Dibistanên Belaş bi karanîna Daneyên Xwarinên Dibistanên Belaş pergalek ji Demjimêra Payîzê re pêşde dike, bandorên darayî yên din diafirîne._cc781905-5cde-3195_ this daneyan plansaziyek darayî ya destpêkî peyda dike da ku hewcedariyên zarokên ku hatine nas kirin bi cih bîne. Wekî din em her dem termek dixebitin, carinan du şertên paşdemayî bi karanîna hesabkirina destûrdariya LA EYPP. Veqetandinên Premiuma Xwendekarên Sersalê ji bo Dibistana Zarokan a Everton û Navenda Malbatê: Bihar 19 = £ 3357.48, havîna 19 = £ 3100.50, £ 4897.20_cc7b-3191905-5c7D_ _cc781905-5cDe-3194-BB3B-136BAD5CF58D_ Bi tevahî = 11355.18 Astengên sereke yên fêrbûnê yên ku ji hêla zarokên ku mafê EYPP-ê li Dibistana Nûjêra Everton û Navenda Malbatê re rû bi rû ne, zehmetiyên axaftin, ziman û ragihandinê û pêbawerî û xwebawerî ne. Van astengan ji hêla Rêvebirên Dibistana Zarokan ve bi temamkirina nirxandinên bingehîn ên dema têketinê ve hatine destnîşankirin. ji bo piştgirîkirina 'amadebûna dibistanê' bandorê herî mezin li zarokên naskirî dikin. Bernameya destwerdana yekem a ku em bi fonên EYPP bikar tînin WellComm e. Bandora bernameya destwerdanê ya WellComm li Dibistana Zarokan û Navenda Malbatê ya Everton destnîşan dike ku bername ji bo zarokên bi zehmetiyên axaftin û zimanî yên naskirî piştgirî dide encamên erênî. Wek Dibistana Zarokan em axaftin û zimanek dikin terapîst ku bi hemî zarokên EYPP yên bijarte yên ku pêdiviya wan bi axaftin, ziman û pêwendiyê naskirî ye re yek bi yek û di komên piçûk de danişînên terapiya axaftinê bixebite. Amûra nirxandina axaftin û zimanî ya WellComm bi raporên kurtkirî yên ku pêşkeftina hatî çêkirin û gavên pêşeroj ên ku hem ji dibistanê SENDCO û hem jî ji dêûbavên / lênêrên zarok re têne peyda kirin belge dikin. Bernameyên me yên destwerdana EYPP-ê yên din girêdana bi muzîkjenên me yên In Harmony, karên dar, yoga û peydakirina serdanên perwerdehiyê yên din re hene ku piştgirî bidin xwebawerî û xwebaweriyê: Muzîkjenên fîlarmonîkî yên Liverpool bi komên piçûk ên zarokên bijarte yên EYPP re dixebitin wekî beşek ji bernameya berfireh a 'In Harmony' ya ku Dibistana Zarokan a Everton û Navenda Malbatê tê de beşdar bûn. Karker û Mamosteyek Yogayê ji ACF Design bi zarokên EYPP-ê yên naskirî re yek bi yek di karê daristanê de û komên piçûk di yogayê de bi mebesta pêşxistina pêwendiya zarokan û zimanê wan û xwebawerî û hurmeta wan bi karên dar û yogayê re dixebite._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Xebatkarên Dibistana Zarokan mînîbusa dibistanê ji bo serdanên perwerdehiyê bikar tînin da ku zimanê zarokên EYPP, meraqa xwezayî û zanîna li ser hawîrdora wan a herêmî bi serdanên parka herêmî, muzexane û pirtûkxaneyê bêtir berfireh bikin. Ji kerema xwe ji bo stratejiya Premium ya Xwendekarên Sersalên Dibistanê ji bo 2018 - 2020 li jêr binêrin.
- Family Activities | ENSFC
Çalakiyên Malbatê