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In Harmony Liverpool ji El Sistema ya Venezuelayê îlhama xwe digire û çêkirina muzîka orkestrayê bikar tîne da ku tenduristî, perwerde û daxwazên zarok û ciwanên li Everton baştir bike. Di sala 2009-an de li Dibistana Seretayî ya Faith ku bi 84 zarokan ve hatî damezrandin, In Harmony Liverpool berfirehtir bû ku zêdetirî 700 zarok û ciwanên 0-18 salî û malbatên wan niha her hefte, bêpere, beşdarî muzîka orkestrayê ya bi kalîteya herî bilind dibin. li dibistanê û li derve. Çêkirina muzîkê li Dibistana Seretayî ya Faith, Dibistana Seretayî ya Beacon CE, Dibistana Zarokan a Everton û Navenda Malbatê, Dibistana Seretayî ya Katolîk a All Saints, Navenda Zarokan a Anfield û li Liverpool Philharmonic li Friary, navenda me ya provayê li West Everton pêk tê._cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_

Blogs / Sensory Garden

Everton Nursery Teacher Kate Doyle and Dr Diane Boyd present 

The Authentic development of a Sensory Garden through the 17 SDGs

1. The 'otherness' of the non-human world - highlighting worms!

2. Agency in Action – Children voicing their thinking through mark making.

3. Discovering recycling waste and contamination through a community visit.

4. Understanding Construction and Positioning of a Bug hotel in our garden.

5 Sparking interest through visiting Everton Park Nature Garden in our neighbourhood 

6. The Fix-it Shop! Shopping lists, money, decision – making in action.

7. Sensory cognitive explorations using recycleable sustainable resources through tyres, hurricanes and the rain!

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