Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub


‘Lost words’ reflected through the three pillars of sustainability and the SDGs. Diane Boyd

Craig Bolton, Headteacher at East Prescot Road Nursery School, Liverpool, introduces the NELI Preschool programme. East Prescot Road Nursery School is a partner of the Stronger Practice Hub.

Thank you to Amanda Quirk, a strategic partner to the Hub (linked to Generate Teaching School Hub) for our first blog:
4 Actions to Restart Well in Early Years - Generate Teaching Hub
Video blogs
Everton Nursery Teacher Kate Doyle and Dr Diane Boyd present
The Authentic development of a Sensory Garden through the 17 SDGs
1. The 'otherness' of the non-human world - highlighting worms!
2. Agency in Action – Children voicing their thinking through mark making.
3. Discovering recycling waste and contamination through a community visit.
4. Understanding Construction and Positioning of a Bug hotel in our garden.
5 Sparking interest through visiting Everton Park Nature Garden in our neighbourhood
6. The Fix-it Shop! Shopping lists, money, decision – making in action.
7. Sensory cognitive explorations using recycleable sustainable resources through tyres, hurricanes and the rain!