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Nursery School 2-5 Years

Our Curriculum

At Everton Nursery School, we are committed to ensure the highest possible standards of learning and teaching for our young children at all times. 
As an Outstanding school (most recently judged by Ofsted in May 2024), we provide purposeful and inspiring learning environments for all children to play, learn and explore. We look, listen and note how children grow at their own rates and challenge them throughout their time at our Nursery School through carefully planned learning experiences. 
We plan using the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) 'Development Matters' framework and equip all children with broad and balanced learning experiences across all seven areas of learning and development - both indoors and outdoors!


Learning Journals

At Everton Nursery School, we believe that observing, reflecting, assessing and documenting children's learning, successes and achievements are crucial elements of the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum. 
This process of documentation enables staff to consider individual children's progress to plan accordingly for future learning opportunities in order to meet the needs and stage of development for all children. 
Staff record these observations, reflections and assessments in children's individual Learning Journals, which are both available to parents/carers at any opportunity online and are shared with the child's next primary school through transition meetings.

Our staff
Each member of staff who works at Everton Nursery School is highly trained and skilled in early years education. Children's learning is led by an experienced Early Years Teacher with Qualified Teacher Status who work in partnership with a range of skilful and knowledgeable Early Childhood Educators.

Partnerships with parents and carers
At Everton Nursery School and Family Centre, we are committed to ensure that we work in close partnership with parents and carers in order to continue to build on the firm foundations that have been laid in the child's earliest years. 
We acknowledge that the child's parent/carer is the most important person in the child's life. This is the fundamental reason that underpins our partnership working approach to ensure we enable all children to achieve their full potential.

Attendance at Nursery School
Excellent attendance at Nursery School for all children is required and expected. As a maintained Nursery School, we adhere to the local and national attendance expectation of 97%. All children's attendance is monitored and subsequently challenged if this falls below the expected 97%, and the school has a clear system in place to challenge Persistant Absenteeism.
The school writes to all parents and carers on a termly basis to summarise class and whole school attendance percentages. 

Attendance at Nursery School matters click here.

Applying for a place at Everton Nursery School...
To apply for a Nursery School place, click on the link below to download our application form. Please complete this form and return to Everton Nursery School along with a copy of your child's birth certificate.

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