Welcome to Everton Nursery School and Family Centre.
Mission Statement
The mission of Everton Nursery School and Family Centre is to promote the children’s educational and social development and help families have and achieve high expectations for themselves and the community.
On behalf of all the Staff and Governors I would like to welcome all children and their families.
We look forward to working with you.
The Nursery School and Children's Centre is open 8.00a.m. to 3.30p.m.
Telephone: 0151 233 1969
Telephone calls to the Nursery School and Children's Centre can be supported during this time period. Outside of these times the telephones and reception are not staffed. If you wish to report a child's absence please use Arbor or leave a message on the answer machine.
Please note the waiting areas for classes are via two different entrances. Parents are asked to wait in the designated areas for their child’s class.

Spencer classes
Children are to wait in the staff car park with their parents in Spencer Street.
Cresswell and Heyworth classes
Children are to wait in the waiting area at the back of the school/centre accessed via the Forest School path gate from Spencer Street visitors car park.

Takulandilani ku Everton Nursery School ndi Family Center.
M'malo mwa Ogwira ntchito ndi Mabwanamkubwa onse ndikufuna kulandira ana onse ndi mabanja awo. Tikuyembekezera kudzagwira nanu ntchito m'chaka chotsatira cha maphunziro. Nursery School and Children Center imatsegulidwa 8.30am mpaka 4pm. Kuyimbira foni ku Nursery School ndi Children's Center kutha kuthandizidwa panthawiyi. Kunja kwa nthawi izi matelefoni ndi olandirira sakhala anthu. Ngati mukufuna kunena kuti mwana palibe chonde gwiritsani ntchito ParentMail kapena siyani uthenga pamakina oyankha.
Kuyambira September 2022, chonde dziwani kuti malo odikirira makalasi akudutsa pazipata ziwiri zosiyana. Makolo akufunsidwa kuti adikire m'malo osankhidwa kuti kalasi ya mwana wawo ikhale yotalikirana. Ana a kalasi ya Spencer adikire pamalo oimika magalimoto ndi makolo awo mu Spencer Street. Ana a Cresswell ndi a Heyworth adikirira pamalo odikirira kuseri kwa sukulu/malo omwe amafikirako kudzera pachipata cha Forest School kuchokera ku malo opaka magalimoto a Spencer Street. Khomo/chipata chotulukira ku Cresswell Street sichidzatsegulidwa panthawi yomwe ana akulowa ndikutuluka m'malo. Ogwira ntchito adzakuthandizani kulowa / kutuluka m'malo asukulu/pakati kumayambiriro / kumapeto kwa tsiku. nthawi za sukulu.
Chonde ikani galimoto kutali ndi zipata za sukulu (osati pamzere wachikasu wa zig zag) kapena gwiritsani ntchito malo oimika magalimoto a alendo pamalopo kapena ikani kutali ndi Spencer kapena Cresswell Street ndikuyenda kupita kuzipata za sukulu kuti ana onse atetezeke._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Nthawi zamakalasi ndi izi:
Makalasi a Cresswell: 9.00am amayamba ndipo 3.00pm amatha Lolemba, Lachiwiri, Lachinayi ndi Lachisanu. Lachitatu m'mawa kalasi ya Cresswell imayamba 9.00am ndikutha 12.00 masana. ndipo kalasi ya Cresswell masana imayamba 12.15 mpaka 3.15pm Lachitatu.
Makalasi a Spencer 1 ndi 2: 9.00a.m. kuyambira 3.00pm kumaliza Lolemba, Lachiwiri, Lachinayi ndi Lachisanu. Lachitatu m'mawa makalasi a Spencer amayamba 9.00am ndi kutha 12.00 masana. ndipo masana makalasi a Spencer amayamba 12.15pm mpaka 3.15pm Lachitatu.
Spencer 3 Center for Nurture Class imayamba nthawi ya 9am. ndipo amatha 3pm. polowera / kutuluka kwa Spencer Street.
Maphunziro a Heyworth amayamba nthawi ya 9am. ndipo amafikiridwa kuchokera kumalo odikirira kuseri kwa sukulu/likulu ndikumaliza 3pm. Lolemba, Lachiwiri, Lachinayi ndi Lachisanu kapena 12 koloko masana ngati muli ndi malo ammawa. Lachitatu m'mawa maphunziro a Heyworth amayamba 9.00am ndikutha 12.00 masana. ndipo masana maphunziro a Heyworth amayamba 12.15pm mpaka 3.15pm Lachitatu. Malo olipidwa amakhala ndi 8am mpaka 1pm. kapena 1pm. mpaka 5.15pm nthawi yoyambira ndi yomaliza.
Kukonzekera kwathu kwa Chakudya cham'mawa kumachitikira muholo yasukulu kuyambira 8am. Chonde dikirani pazitseko ziwiri pafupi ndi khitchini ya sukulu mu Spencer Street ndipo membala wa ogwira nawo ntchito adzalandira/kuchotsa mwana wanu pazitseko ziwiri. Zopereka Zathu Zakumapeto kwa Sukulu zilinso muholo yasukulu. Ana atengedwe kuchokera ku makonzedwe a After School pofika 5.15pm Ngati makolo/olera achedwa kutenga ana/ana awo ku After School kapena tsiku lalikulu la sukulu pamakhala ndalama zokwana £5 pa ola.
Palibe ana amene akuyenera kusiya maphunziro awo a nazale msanga pokhapokha atakumana ndi dokotala ndi umboni wosonyeza kuti wasankhidwa. Maphunziro a unamwino amaperekedwa kwa maola 15 kwa ana azaka ziwiri ndi azaka 3 ndi 4 ndi maola 30 kwa ana azaka 3 ndi 4 kwa makolo omwe amagwira ntchito. Kupezekapo kwathunthu ndi kusunga nthawi pamafunika pamisonkhano yonse. Kusapezekapo kwa nthawi komanso kusasunga nthawi kudzatsutsidwa (monga momwe Local Authority imafunira) ndipo zingakhudze malo a mwana wanu. d_
Pakali pano, kuyendera kalasi yathu ya Namwino ndi nthawi yokhayo. Pakali pano chonde onani m'munsimu maulendo athu ophunzirira m'kalasi. Heyworth ndi makalasi athu a zaka 2-3 ndipo Cresswell ndi Spencer ndi makalasi athu azaka 3-4.
Pomaliza, chonde MUSAMAbwere pamalo a Nursery School kapena Children's Center ngati mukuganiza kuti muli ndi zizindikiro za coronavirus.
Ngati muli ndi mafunso kapena nkhawa, chonde nditumizireni pa evertonnsfc@evertoncentre.liverpool.sch.uk
Wanu moona mtima
L. Curtis Dr. Lesley Curtis OBE
Headteacher/Head of Center
Our Breakfast provision is held in the school hall from 8a.m. Please wait at the double doors near to the school kitchen in Spencer Street and a member of staff will receive/dismiss your child from the double doors. Our After School provision is also in the school hall. Children are to be collected from the After School provision by 5.15p.m. at the latest. If parents/carers are late collecting their child/children from After School or the main school day there is a £5 per hour charge.

No children are to leave their nursery sessions early unless they have a medical appointment with evidence seen of the appointment. Nursery education is funded for 15 hours for some 2 year olds and 3 and 4 year olds and 30 hours for 3 and 4 year olds for parents who work. Full attendance and punctuality is required at all sessions. Poor attendance and punctuality will be challenged (as required by our Local Authority) and could impact on your child’s place.
At present, visits to our Nursery Class are by appointment only. In the meantime please see below virtual tours of our classroom learning environments. Heyworth is our 2-3 years classes and Cresswell and Spencer are our 3-4 year olds classes.
Finally, please DO NOT come into the Nursery School or Children's Centre site if
you consider that you have the symptoms of coronavirus.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on evertonnsfc@evertoncentre.liverpool.sch.uk
Yours sincerely
L. Curtis
Dr. Lesley Curtis OBE
Headteacher/Head of Centre
Zinthu zoti muchite lero