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  • Neli Preschool Blog | ENSFC

    Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscribe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newsletters Recruitment NELI Preschool Craig Bolton, Headteacher at East Prescot Road Nursery School, Liverpool, introduces the NELI Preschool programme. East Prescot Road Nursery School is a partner of the Stronger Practice Hub. What is NELI Preschool? ​ The Nuffield Early Language Intervention for Nursery (NELI Preschool) combines elements of two successful existing interventions: NELI-R and Parent and Children Together (PACT). NELI Preschool is an enrichment programme, delivered to the whole class, with additional targeted support for children with weaker oral language. The programme is designed for 3 and 4 year olds and runs over 20 weeks. It involves scripted interventions, focusing on dialogic reading, teaching vocabulary, listening and narrative skills. In Reception year, the NELI-R programme follows on and develops children’s phonological awareness and letter sound knowledge. Reading is at the heart of NELI Preschool. The programme is crafted around 20 high-quality, engaging books, including traditional tales, non-fiction and fiction. Ideas are often expanded into language-rich and engaging continuous provision and can become a solid basis for a book-focused sequenced and progressive curriculum. Why did we adopt NELI Preschool? ​ Our school’s top priority had been improving children’s outcomes in communication and language. This became even more pressing following the Covid pandemic. We had devised a strategy for professional development to improve practitioner expertise within the language-rich learning environment. We had already adopted a range of interventions and approaches to assess and support our children’s listening and attention, comprehension and speaking skills. We wanted to build upon our existing approach and to further develop our curriculum to incorporate books and the direct teaching of new vocabulary. The NELI Preschool programme was the ideal complement to our existing provision and offered opportunities for professional development for the whole staff team. The power of NELI Preschool is that it is a whole-school intervention, a universal model. All children explore the same high-quality text, learn the same new words and their meanings and engage in the same learning activities that deepen their conceptual understanding. How does NELI Preschool work? ​ Our whole staff team were very well supported in our preparation phase. We received handbooks, resources, flashcards, training and mentor support. Children were then assessed through an app called ‘Language Screen’, which identifies children needing most support with their language skills. This informs the groupings of children who will receive further support in small groups 3 times per week, and those who will benefit from short individual sessions. There are three elements of the programme: whole-class sessions delivered by a trained practitioner five times a week; targeted intervention in small groups for children with the weakest language skills and weekly individual sessions as a further opportunity to revisit learning. The NELI Preschool structure operates over a five-day cycle, in daily 15-20 minute sessions. The first day involves sharing the book of the week with the whole class. The remaining four days focus on a ‘Special Word’ from the shared text, with interactive learning activities designed to explore the new word and linked concepts in greater detail. The programme is supported by digital resources for the Interactive Whiteboard and scripted handbooks to support the delivery of the sessions. The Education Endowment Foundation (EEF) is funding a project to further understand delivery of the programme in PVI settings, with interested settings able to register now to take part. In addition, EEF in collaboration with the Department for Education’s Stronger Practice Hubs, are exploring funding a larger trial in 2024 with both state-maintained and PVI settings. ​ What to do if you would like more information about NELI Preschool, or supporting the language and literacy development of children in your setting ​ If you would like to develop your skills or further your knowledge in early language or literacy development for children in your setting, why not explore: The support available through your local Early Years Stronger Practice Hub, which is detailed here . The EEF Evidence Store gives accessible evidence-based information on approaches that practitioners can use when supporting communication and language development, and early literacy . The NELI website can be accessed here. Strategic Partners ​Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice

  • Policies | ENSFC

    Ndondomeko za Sukulu / Malo Ku Everton Nursery School ndi Family Center, tili ndi mfundo zingapo zatsatanetsatane komanso zophatikiza zomwe zimathandizira machitidwe apamwamba komanso kupereka. Kuti mutsitse ndi kuwerenga zina mwa mfundo zathu, chonde dinani maulalo omwe ali pansipa. Mapepala a mfundo zonse za sukulu/masukulu akupezeka mukafunsidwa ndi Gulu lathu la Olamulira. Admission Policy Behaviour Policy Charging and Remissions Policy Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy Code of Conduct Complaints Policy Curriculum Learning and Teaching Policy Equal Opportunities Racial Diversity Policy Equality Statement First Aid Policy ICT Policy Privacy Notice SEND Policy SEN Summary Uniform Policy Workplace Safer Recruitment Policy Debt Recovery Policy Adverse Weather/Snow and Ice Policy

  • Application Forms | ENSFC

    Mafomu Ofunsira Takulandilani patsamba lathu la Mafomu Ofunsira. nursery application form parent declaration form privacy notice

  • Staff List | ENSFC

    Mndandanda wa Ogwira Ntchito

  • Help and Advice | ENSFC

    Thandizo ndi Malangizo Monga ntchito tikufuna kuwonetsetsa kuti mukuzidziwa bwino izi, zoperekedwa kwanuko, zoperekedwa: Mwina mudamvapo za maphunziro apamwamba apaintaneti a makolo, UFULU (ndi code yofikira:Mtengo wa PURPLEBIN ku: ) kwa anthu okhala m’dera lathu? The Solihull Approach (NHS) yayambitsa maphunziro ATSOPANO pa intaneti! Kodi ndimalowa bwanji? Kodi nambala yake ndi chiyani? Ngati simunaigwiritse ntchito kale, nayi nambala yofikira pamaphunziro onse apaintaneti (olipidwa kwa okhala ku Liverpool): PURPLEBIN Ngati, monga makolo ambiri, mudagwiritsa ntchito kale code iyi, lowani muakaunti yanu Pano ndipo maphunzirowa akhala okonzeka padashboard yanu kuti ayambe nthawi iliyonse yomwe mwakonzeka. ​ Kodi ndingauze achibale anga ndi anzanga? Mwamtheradi! Gawani nkhaniyi ndi mabanja ena m'dera lanu kuti nawonso agwiritse ntchito mwayi wosangalatsawu. Ndi nthawi yayitali bwanji? Pali ma module 7 omwe aliyense amatenga pafupifupi mphindi 5 kuti amalize ndipo adzapindula ndi nthawi yoti agayidwe pakati. Ngati mumakonda izi……mungakonde chokulirapo 'Kumvetsa mwana wanu ' or ' Kumvetsetsa mwana wanu ndi zofunikira zina ' , kapena maphunziro ena pamndandanda. Employment Support children centre privacy notice come2gether fold out leaflet

  • Home Learning Activities | ENSFC

    Ntchito Zophunzirira Pakhomo Takulandirani kutsamba lathu la Ntchito Zophunzirira Pakhomo. Chonde onani m'munsimu mndandanda wa zochitika zapakhomo zomwe mungathe kuzipeza ndi mwana wanu mukakhala kunyumba. onjezani patsambali. Ngati muli ndi malingaliro aliwonse ophunzirira kunyumba kwa ana azaka 2- 5 chonde imelo ​ ​ ​ ​ Ogwira ntchito ku Everton Nursery School ndi Family Center ayika pamodzi 3-5's Home Learning Activity Pack ndi Heyworth 2-3's Activity Pack. -3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Ngati mukufuna thandizo lililonse kapena kumveka bwino pa Ntchito Zophunzirira Pakhomo, chonde imelo kwa ndipo membala wa gulu la ogwira ntchito ku Everton adzakupatsani zambiri za Phunzirani Zapakhomo ngati zingafunike. ​ ​ Everton Nursery School ndi Family Center YouTube Channel ​ Nkhani pa Youtube Channel yathu ​Nkhani zochokera kwa ogwira ntchito ndi Yoga kuchokera kwa Tony pa You Tube Channel yathu. Zida ​ Makanema aupangiri a makolo/olera. Chithunzi cha 1: Kukonzekera Mafonikidwe; Kuthandiza mwana wanu m'zaka zoyambirira Chithunzi cha 2: Kuthandiza mwana wanu ndi kuwerenga kwawo m'zaka zoyambirira ​Guide 3: Kuthandiza mwana wanu ndi kulankhulana kwawo ndi chinenero chitukuko mu zaka zoyambirira ​ Chithunzi cha 4: Kuthandiza mwana wanu ndi masamu mu zaka zoyambirira Physiotherapy kudzera kuvina - YouTube Ntchito ya ​Brain Changer Arts Project ​ Phonics Bloom ​Phonics Bloom ndi chida chophunzitsira chothandizira, chopereka masewera amafoni m'kalasi ndi kunyumba. ​ Zilembo ndi Zomveka ​Masewera aulerewa pa intaneti akhala othandiza pa Gawo 1 la pulogalamu yamafoni a Letters and Sounds. ​ Zizindikiro zapamwamba ​Topmarks amapatsa ana mwayi wophunzira pa intaneti, kudzera mumasewera otetezeka, osangalatsa komanso opatsa chidwi. ​ Nambala ya Cbeebies ​Lowani nawo a Little Learners ndikuwona masewera onsewa osangalatsa komanso aulere a masamu, zochitika ndi tizithunzi. ​ Maphunziro a kunyumba a TTS ​Ndi kuphatikizika kwa ntchito zophunzirira paokha komanso zogwirizana, mabuku ophunzirira kunyumba amapereka mwayi wabwino kwa makolo kuphunzira ndi ana awo. ​ EYFS Reception School Kutsekedwa Kwanyumba Yophunzirira Paketi Gwiritsani ntchito paketi yothandiza ya EYFS kuti musunge mwana wanu wazaka zoyamba kukhala wotanganidwa ndikuphunzira sukulu ikatsekedwa. Phukusili lili ndi zochitika zosiyanasiyana zosangalatsa, zochititsa chidwi komanso zovuta zomwe zimalimbikitsa ana kuchita maluso omwe akhala akuphunzira kusukulu. ​ Zochita 49 zosangalatsa kuchita ndi ana azaka zapakati pa 2 mpaka 4 Mndandanda wa zochitika 49 ndizomwe mungapiteko pa tsiku lililonse lamasewera, malo osamalira ana kunyumba, kapena m'mawa kapena madzulo ndi wowasamalira. Mulimonse momwe zingakhalire, kuyang'ana pang'ono kumatanthauza kuti ndi bwino kukhala ndi zochepa mwa izi. Cbeebies JoJo ndi Gran Gran JoJo & Gran Gran ndi makanema ojambula onena za mtsikana wazaka zisanu ndi agogo ake osangalatsa komanso anzeru. ​ Cbeebies Radio-Kumvera ntchito za ana Zochita zomvetsera za ana ​ Masewera a Disney Shake Up Change4Life ndi Disney agwirizananso kuti akubweretsereni masewera atsopano a Shake Up owuziridwa ndi Disney ndi Pstrong's Toy Story 4 ndi Incredibles 2, ndi Disney's The Lion King ndi Frozen. Kuphulika kwa mphindi 10 kumeneku kumapangitsa ana anu kuyenda ndikuwerengera mphindi 60 zomwe amafunikira tsiku lililonse! ​ Malingaliro Aang'ono Anjala - Zosangalatsa zosavuta, zochitika za ana azaka zapakati pa 0 - 5 Zosavuta, zosangalatsa za ana, kuyambira wakhanda mpaka asanu. ​ Zinthu 50 Zoyenera Kuchita Musanakwanitse Zaka zisanu Zinthu 50 Zoyenera Kuchita Musanakwanitse Zaka zisanu ndi pulogalamu yabwino ya UFULU ya mabanja. ​ ​ Zosavuta komanso zosangalatsa zosagwiritsa ntchito skrini zomwe ana amatha kuchita kunyumba ​ Kodi aphunzitsi ndi makolo angachite chiyani ngati kulibe sukulu? Kuphunzira pa intaneti kuchokera kunyumba kumapatsa ana mwayi wokulitsa ndikuphunzira maluso atsopano akakhudza batani. ​ ​ ​Thandizo kutsekedwa kwa sukulu: Popeza mliri wa Coronavirus (Covid-19) wakhudzanso masukulu angapo padziko lonse lapansi, ife a 2Simple tikupereka mwayi wofikira kwa Purple Mash ndi Serial Mash kwa masukulu ndi ogwiritsa ntchito kunyumba.Pemphani mwayi waulere pano . ​ Malo a Banja Timagwira ntchito yopititsa patsogolo luso lowerenga, kulemba, kulankhula ndi kumvetsera m'madera osauka kwambiri ku UK, kumene munthu mmodzi mwa atatu ali ndi vuto la kuwerenga. Chifukwa chakuti anthu a m’mibadwo yambiri osadziwa kulemba ndi kuwerenga, timayang’ana kwambiri ntchito yathu pa mabanja, achinyamata ndi ana. ​ Eric Carle amawerenga The Very Hungry Caterpillar - YouTube Onani Eric Carle, mlembi wa The Very Hungry Caterpillar, akuwerenga mokweza buku la zithunzi za Puffin. ​ LeapStart Dongosolo lophunzirira lothandizira kulimbikitsa ophunzira aluso, odzidalira komanso osangalala. ​ #mindhealthy@home Kusamalira thanzi la banja lanu kunyumba ​ Biodiversity #EcoSchoolsAtHome ​Ndicholinga chothandizira omwe mukugwirabe ntchito kusukulu komanso omwe mukuyenera kupita kusukulu yakunyumba, tidafuna kupanga zida zatsopano za Eco-School zomwe zitha kusinthidwa kuti zikuthandizeni. kugwira ntchito pamitu yosiyanasiyana yazachilengedwe ndi achinyamata azaka zilizonse - kwinaku akuwongolera miliyoni ndi ntchito zina ndi zovuta chifukwa cha mliri wa COVID-19. ​ White Rose Maths Mosonkhezeredwa, molimbikitsidwa komanso kudziwitsidwa ndi ntchito ya akatswiri ofufuza masamu otsogola padziko lonse lapansi, White Rose Maths imasonkhanitsa gulu la akatswiri odziwa masamu odziwa bwino ntchito komanso okonda kwambiri masamu kuti aphunzitse, kutsogolera, kuthandiza ndi kuthandiza onse amene akufuna kusintha zinthu. masukulu awo. ​ The Great Indoors Malingaliro ndi ntchito zolimbikitsa malingaliro achichepere kunyumba ​ EYFS - Early Years Foundation Stage - BBC Phunzitsani EYFS / Zaka 3 - 5. Zomvera zimapereka zida zabwino zophunzirira Oyambirira kudzera munkhani, nyimbo, kuyenda ndi nyimbo. Zomwe zilimo zimalumikizana mwachindunji ndi maphunziro a Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). heyworth home learning activities home learning activity pack jan 2021 Massage Music A Summer Sky 00:00 / 04:44

  • Children's Centre | ENSFC

    1/1 Family Center Ntchitoyi ndi gawo la Liverpool City Region ESF Ways to Work Programme ndipo imathandizidwa ndi European Social Fund ndi Youth Employment Initiative. Pulogalamuyi ikufuna kuthandiza anthu amderali kuti agwire ntchito pofufuza ntchito, kuphunzitsa ndi kulangiza, zokumana nazo pantchito, maphunziro, kukulitsa luso ndi chidziwitso, upangiri ndi malangizo. ​​ Takulandirani ku Family Center yathu Monga 'Outstanding' Children's Center monga momwe taweruzira posachedwa ndi Ofsted mu Januwale 2011, timapereka chithandizo kwa obadwa kumene ndi ana osakwana zaka zisanu ndi mabanja awo. Ogwira Ntchito Pabanja Oyambirira ndi Ogwira Ntchito Pagulu Amakhala ku Everton kuti agwire ntchito limodzi ndi makolo ndi osamalira ammudzi kuti athandizire kukonza moyo wabanja. Malo athu a ana ndi amodzi mwa malo 26 a ana ku Liverpool. Malo a ana amasonkhanitsa pamodzi chisamaliro, maphunziro, thanzi, chitukuko cha m'madera ndi zithandizo za mabanja kwa mabanja omwe ali ndi ana osapitirira zaka zisanu. Gulu lathu la ogwira nawo ntchito limagwira ntchito limodzi ndi mabanja komanso anthu ammudzi kuti apereke maphunziro, thanzi komanso moyo wabwino kwa ana. Tikukhulupirira kuti nthawi yanu ya Everton Nursery School and Family Center idzakhala yosangalatsa ndipo tikukupemphani kuti mutenge nawo mbali pazochitika zathu. ​ Ntchito Zothandizira Mabanja Everton Nursery School ndi Family Center imapereka ntchito zingapo zophatikiza mabanja. Nthawi zambiri chithandizo chaumoyo ndi chithandizo cha makolo chimaperekedwa kwa mabanja ndi ndalama zochepa kapena osalipira konse. Maphunziro a Chimbudzi - Dongosolo lodziwika bwinoli ndilabwino kwambiri pophunzitsa makolo kuti athandize ana kukhala okonzeka kupita kusukulu komanso kuti asagone. Thandizo la Banja - Gulu lathu la ogwira ntchito ndi odziwa zambiri pakuthandizira mabanja. Timapereka maulendo ofikira kunyumba kwa mabanja ngati kuli kofunikira. Woyendera zaumoyo wanu kapena azamba atha kukulozerani kuchipatala. Mutha kuyimbanso kapena kuyimba kuti mupemphe thandizo kwa gulu lathu lochezeka. Thanzi ndi Ubwino - Zida zolimbikitsira thanzi la mano, kudya moyenera komanso kuchita masewera olimbitsa thupi, kakulidwe ka mwana ndi chidziwitso cha makolo. Zipatala za Health Visitor Clinic zimachitika pa tsamba lathu Lachiwiri lililonse masana. Kusungitsa azamba m'magawo amachitikira pamalopo Lachiwiri lililonse tsiku lonse. Konzekerani Mwana Wanu - magawo atatu omwe amachitika kumapeto kwa mimba yanu. Timagwira ntchito limodzi ndi azamba kukuthandizani kukonzekera kubwera kwa mwana wanu. Othandizira Kulankhula ndi Chiyankhulo amapereka chithandizo pamasamba ndi chithandizo ndi nthawi yolembera. Pediatric First Aid kwa makolo - Pamalopo nthawi zonse amakhala ndi chithandizo choyamba cha ana kuti makolo aphunzire mbali yofunikayi yosamalira ana aang'ono kwambiri. Ngozi zimachitikadi, ndipo pulogalamuyi ikuwonetsani momwe mungakhalire olimba mtima mukakumana ndi ngozi komanso nthawi yoti muyimbire thandizo ladzidzidzi. Kuphunzira ndi Kusamalira - Monga kholo kapena wolera wa mwana wamng'ono, ndinu amene mumalimbikitsa kukula kwa mwana wanu. Maphunziro a ubwana ndi ntchito za chisamaliro zilipo kuti zikuthandizeni pa ntchito yofunikayi. Izi zikuphatikizapo: Khalani ndikusewera - Izi zithandiza mwana wanu kuphunzira momwe angakhalire ndi ana ena. Nkhani ndi Rhyme - Uwu ndi mwayi wabwino kwambiri wobweretsa mwana wanu kuti azikonda mabuku ndikuyamba kuphunzira kusunga chidwi chake ndikumvetsera nkhani zazifupi. Ana aphunziranso nyimbo zambiri za nazale m'milungu yonseyi. Nthawi ya Mimba - Iyi ndi pulogalamu yatsopano yapakati. Timapereka pulogalamuyi kuti tithandize makolo kukhala olimba mtima polimbikitsa baby kusewera pamimba pawo akadzuka. Ana amaphunzira kugudubuza ndi kukwawa kuchokera pamimba. Tots Mu Harmony - Kwa makanda ndi ana ochepera zaka 3. Nyimbo yabwino yoperekedwa ndi oimba odziwa bwino omwe amadziwa ndikumvetsetsa momwe ana aang'ono amaphunzirira kudzera mu nyimbo. Magawo a mlungu ndi mlunguwa apangidwa kuti athandize makolo kuona mmene mwana wanu amaphunzirira kudzera mu nyimbo. Chipinda cha Sensory - Chipinda chokopachi chilipo kwa makolo athu onse ammudzi. Lolani mwana wanu kuti aziyendayenda momasuka komanso motetezeka m'bwalo lofewa komanso kuti ayang'ane magetsi ndi kasupe wamadzi amitundu. Kupereka Kwathu Timapereka zoyambira zabwino kwambiri kwa mwana wanu komanso ntchito zambiri za UFULU zapamwamba kwambiri kuti inu ndi banja lanu musangalale nazo.

  • New application | ENSFC

    1/6 Everton Nursery School and Family Centre Child Application Form Child's name Child's date of birth Gender Choose an option Type of Place required Two Year Old Funded Place Two Year old Paid Place 3 - 5 Years Old 30 Hours 3 - 5 Years Old 15 Hours Home address Email Contact Phone number (The number will be used to contact parents/carers regarding status of application, please call: 0151 233 1969 if there are any changes) AM. (Preferred sessions required (although your choice cannot be guaranteed) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri PM. (Preferred sessions required (although your choice cannot be guaranteed) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Child's information Nationality: Religion: Asylum Seeker Yes No Special Educational Needs Ethnicity: Languages spoken at home: Refugee Yes No Medical Needs Parent 1 full legal name Parent 1 Date of birth Parent 1 Address Parents 1 NI or NAS Number Parent 2 full legal name Parent 2 Date of birth Parent 2 Address Parent 2 NI or NAS Number Child's Doctor Child’s Health Visitor: Current/Previous Nursery or Childminder Attended: Signed Parent/Carer: Date Submit Application Child’s Social Worker: I have seen the data protection sheet: Yes No Staff use Date Name Thank you for your application. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

  • P.E. | ENSFC

    PE Kuphunzitsa ndi kuphunzira kwa PE Ngakhale kuti ngati Nursery School yosamalidwa sitiyenera kuchita nawo Sport Premium, timayang'ana kwambiri pa kuphunzitsa ndi kuphunzira kwa PE kwa ana onse. Timavomereza kuti Physical Development ndi imodzi mwamagawo ofunika kwambiri a EYFS pophunzira ndipo timamvetsetsa kuti kukula kwa thupi la mwana ndiye maziko ophunzirira pambuyo pake kuphatikizapo kuphunzira kulemba. Zotsatira zake, tadzipereka kupereka zokumana nazo zophunzirira zolimbitsa thupi kwa ana onse tsiku lililonse - m'nyumba ndi kunja. Tsitsani ndikuwerenga dongosolo lathu lachitukuko chathupi. physical development policy

  • Splash Pool | ENSFC

    1/5 Malo a Misonkhano ndi Kubwereketsa Zipinda Magawo a dziwe Likupezeka , Lachitatu ndi Lachinayi nthawi za gawo 9.45am - 10.45am,11.15am - 12.15pm, 1.15pm - 2.15pm . Mtengo wa £ 4.00 pa munthu wamkulu.

  • programmes

    Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscribe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newsletters Recruitment Programmes Our aim as an Early Years Stronger Practice Hub will be to share communication and language and literacy programmes initially. Please keep checking back as we aim to provide recorded and live webinars and face to face drop in's and twilights regarding the programmes we will offer. In the meantime look at the programmes on offer through the Department for Education (DfE): Strategic Partners ​Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice

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