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Play at the Park June Cargill.jpg

The hub offers free advice, support and training to childminders across Liverpool City Region and Beyond. We are aiming to set up Peer to Peer Childminder Support and Play Sessions for Children.  Please join our mailing list to be kept informed of future events and launches, newsletters and availability for training dates and drop-in sessions.  If you would like to be involved or have suggestions, please let us know.

Every Monday 9.30-11.30a.m. at Deysbrook Community Centre, Liverpool, L12 4XF.
Every Wednesday 9.30-11.30a.m., term time, St Hilda's Church Hall, Hunts Cross, Stuart Avenue, Liverpool, L25 0NG

Every Thursday 9.30 to 11.30am. Beck Community Centre20 Esthwaite Ave, Kendal LA9 7NZ. Open all year round except Christmas
Every Friday 9.30-11.00a.m. at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre, Spencer Street, Liverpool, L6 2WF. 


3rd Saturday of each month 10:00 - 11:00 LCR Stronger Practice Hub Childminder Network meeting. 

This is a re occurring meeting on the 3rd Saturday of each month.
The aim of the Liverpool City region and Beyond Stronger Practice Hub Childminder Forum is to gauge if there is a need which as some childminders are isolated with limited or no networks in their LAs. We aim to initially give some case studies from childminders and share how the Liverpool City Region and Beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub has supported them over the last 12 months, plus give any national updates, share what CPD we have and share the EEF and DFE funded interventions. 

If you attend a drop in or meet up with other childminders across the Liverpool City Region and Beyond area, please let us know so we can advertise, allowing local childminder colleagues to attend, join in and network.


If you are a Liverpool Childminder and wish to borrow a Wellcomm bag to use with your children, email the sph email as we can support you and loan a Wellcomm bag to you for a period of time.


Calling all SPH Network Members….. FREE Resource bags coming soon, funded by the SPH this is a fantastic opportunity for Childminders.


Each bag of carefully selected items will be a welcome addition to your setting which in turn supports your children’s development.

Each resource bag is designed to be used individually, with a group of childminder colleagues and shared as a lending library.


In the next few weeks you can apply for resources that cover Communication and Language, Early Maths and Story Comprehension including a selection of various quality Story Sacks.                     

Also included will be Outdoor and Nature, Habitats and Musicical Instruments bags.

Look out for the launch coming the end of April/early May depending on your location within Liverpool City Region and Beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub….          

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