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  • LCR Newsletters | ENSFC

    Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscribe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newsletters Recruitment Newsletters Sign-up to receive our Newsletter on the second week of each month. Will aim to provide practical information from educators across the Liverpool City Region and Beyond as well as information from the Department for Education and Education Endowment Foundation. See below for previous editions. SUBSCRIBE TO OUR LIVERPOOL CITY REGION AND BEYOND EARLY YEARS STRONGER PRACTICE HUB MAILING LIST Sign-up to receive news from our Hub by email, including upcoming courses and events, links to additional resources, and more! Subscribe Strategic Partners ​Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice

  • Learning Environments | ENSFC

    Öğrenme ortamı Tura katıl. 2-3 yıl Heyworth Sanal tur 3-5 yıl Cresswell Sanal tur Take the tour. Tura katıl. 3-5 yıl Spencer 1/2 Sanal tur Take the tour. Tura katıl. Spencer 1/2 Sanal tur Spencer 3 Sanal tur Take the tour. Tura katıl.

  • Newsletters | ENSFC

    Bültenler Summer Newsletter 2024 Spring Newsletter 2024.pdf spring newsletter 2023.pdf autumn newsletter 2021 autumn newsletter 2020 autumn newsletter 2019 Autumn Newsletter 2023 autumn newsletter 2022 summer newsletter 2021 summer newsletter 2020 summer newsletter 2019 Summer Newsletter 2023 spring newsletter 2022 spring newsletter 2021 spring newsletter 2020 spring newsletter 2019

  • Lost Words Blog | ENSFC

    Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscribe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newsletters Recruitment ‘Lost words’ reflected through the three pillars of sustainability and the SDGs. By Diane Boyd As early years practitioners we recognise the importance of our role in supporting children’s oral skills through holistic development. Influential research by Hart and Risley (1992,1995) stated that early year’s children living in poorer disadvantaged situations experienced significantly less adult directed words than their higher socio-economic peers. The research implied there was a ‘30-million-word deficit’ for the lower socio-economic children by the time they were four. That is a lot of missing words! These crucial findings draw attention to the importance of what quality practitioners can do to support and narrow the gap for children through quality interactions and using their quality environments (SDG 4 Quality Education). So, how can we close the gap and support children’s communication skills? The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS DfE, 2024, p9) clearly states the importance of “back-and-forth interactions” as a necessary requirement for language and cognitive development in young children. Sameroff and Fiese (2000) suggest back-and-forth interactions are more important than the quantity of the vocabulary children are exposed to, because the bi-directional conversations shared together are closely entwined with Personal, Social and Emotional Development, a universal prime area (EYFS, DfE,2024). As practitioners we need to focus on ensuring all children have opportunities to encounter through modelling and scaffolding, complex language input with a high level of longer, richer sentences (Rowe, 2008). This aligns with the Education Endowment Foundation – Communication and Language toolkit, which reminds practitioners to support and model effective linguistic aspects of communication. However, reflecting on pedagogical interactions Margaret Donaldson (1978) says this must make ‘human sense’ to the children, suggesting the need to draw on the socio-cultural aspects of community too (SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and communities). Within the Specific Area Understanding the World (EYFS, DfE,2024, p11) practitioners are asked to guide “children to make sense of their physical world and their community.” Taking children out beyond the gates of your setting allows them to experience holistically their neighbourhood, and what makes sense to them. Every neighbourhood is different (think of smells in a city compared to a beach town!) but as the EYFS (DfE, 2024, p 11) states “the frequency and range of children’s personal experiences increases their knowledge and sense of the world around them”. One such example is walking with your children through the town daily or weekly, past the local shops and engaging in back-and-forth conversations, adding new vocabulary as they walk. Exchanging hellos and making conversation with shop keepers will help children to become familiar with new vocabulary that is seemingly being lost due to the overuse of supermarkets. In large supermarkets everything is there and available in one stop – just come in and buy! There are limited interactions, relationships and vocabulary shared. Sadly now, how many children know for instance, what a cobbler is and what their work comprises of, linking here to SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth. By visiting in a natural organic way through a neighbourhood walk, children will become familiar with the shop keepers such as an optician, haberdasher, greengrocer, butcher, chemist, and baker (remember use this core language) that reside on their high street. When do children ever hear these occupational words now? So, it is imperative early years practitioners highlight these words before they become ‘lost’. Reinforce the words further through reading non-fiction books and revisit language associated with each profession, for example, Dylan the Shopkeeper by Guy Parker Rees. Set up your role play as different shops visited to consolidate language further. The new vocabulary can be extended to understand the produce they can purchase from the different shops, resonating with SDG 8, SDG 9, and SDG 11. The EYFS (DfE,2024) asks practitioners to build ‘positive relationships’, and this is a way of doing this through your locality. For example, in the greengrocer discuss the type of apple with the children and then taste test them. Granny Smith or Royal Gala which are sweet or bitter? Think of the lovely describing words or faces here! Other extension activities could include memory games- I went to the baker and I bought bread, a cake, some pastries; or I went to the butcher, and I bought some pork sausages, a bacon chop, some beef burgers; this consolidates the produce from each shop and the repetition aids the children’s cognition. After visiting the high street, the children could make their own big story book from each shop rather than buying books to support. This would be very effective as this supports children’s understanding of text - words and images together have meaning, that there is a beginning, middle and end in books which will make ‘human sense’ to them as this connects them to their community high street shops, and the satisfaction of knowing they wrote the book. Due to plastic credit cards being used in supermarkets there are other words that are now less frequently used in the terms of monetary currency. How often do children hear in purchasing back and forth conversations, or the words pennies and pounds being used? By highlighting during your neighbourhood walks not just the local shop keepers, their profession and produce sold, take the children into the shop, and model the use of real money. As the EEF Communication and Language states “settings should use a range of different approaches to developing communication and language skills.” It is important that children hear your “back-and-forth interactions” (EYFS, DfE,2024p, 9) with the shop keepers, as they are valuable conversations of both produce and currency together. The EEF (Early numeracy approaches) research shows that by utilising holistic pedagogy it has “a higher impact than when maths was delivered as a supplementary activity.” Through these conversations children will hear pennies, pounds, change and cost which they can replicate in role play back at your setting because this makes “human sense” (Donalson,1978) to them. Moving out into the locality and community children will have countless opportunities to use their 5 senses – hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing, and touching. By visiting local parks, gardens, or beaches regularly children will develop empathy and care for their environment. The emphasis is that you always use correct terminology with the children. For example, not the generic term ‘flower’ but daffodil or snow drop, and you encourage the children to observe the fauna but not pick them. There is a fabulous book called Lost Words by Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris (2021) which focuses again on disappearing words but this time in the natural world. The book states “all over the country, there are words disappearing from children's lives. These are the words of the natural world; Dandelion, Otter, Bramble, and Acorn, all gone. A wild landscape of imagination and play is rapidly fading from our children's minds. The Lost Words stands against the disappearance of wild childhood”. This book could be used as a follow up to walks or scientific observations in woodland. Crucially for the planet we need to ensure young children hear, use, and understand key words from nature. As the EEF- Early Literacy approaches state you must ensure that “your early literacy strategy is well-balanced and combines approaches that will support the development of skills, knowledge and understanding”. From a sustainable perspective we need to invest in our locality whether this is the high street or park or woodlands or coastline. If children develop a relationship with their community and locality then they will love the area, respect the area and care for the area. EEF- Early years evidence highlights “approaches for teaching early literacy should, therefore, be used in ways that build on approaches that support communication and language, which are fundamental to children’s literacy.” This resonates with the Specific Area Knowledge and Understanding which asks practitioners to “foster their understanding of our culturally, socially, technologically, and ecologically diverse world” EYFS (DfE,2024, p11). Extending and developing these ‘lost words’ of the high street and environment builds “important knowledge,” and “extends their familiarity with words that support understanding across domains” (EYFS, DfE, 2024, p11). Economic sustainability through regular opportunities to use and understand words associated with currency, socio-cultural sustainability through engaging and connecting with your local community high street shops and environmental sustainability with care and empathy because of a relationship with the natural world. This clearly demonstrates the interconnected and holistic approaches to both early childhood and sustainability. Strategic Partners ​Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice

  • Financial Information | ENSFC

    Ana Sayfa Öğrenme Hikayeleri Kitap güveni ​ ​ İngiltere'nin en büyük çocuk okuma yardım kuruluşu Booktrust'tan etkileşimli hikayeler. Bazı Köpekler Yapar Baykuş Bebekleri ​ Ormandaki gürültü ​ Çok Dikkatli Açın ​ benf Mutlusun ve Bunu Biliyorsun ​ ​

  • Child Protection and Safeguarding | ENSFC

    Çocuk Koruma ve Koruma GÜVENLİ Bir Okul ve Çocuk Merkeziyiz ​ Ebeveynler/bakıcılar, Everton Anaokulu ve Aile Merkezi'nin çocuklarının güvenliğini sağlamak için her türlü sorumlu önlemi alacağını bilmelidir. Kreş/merkez personelinin bir çocuğun kötü muameleye, ihmale veya diğer suiistimal biçimlerine maruz kalabileceği konusunda endişelenmek için nedenleri olduğu durumlarda, Baş Öğretmenin/Merkez Başkanının Liverpool Çocuk Koruma prosedürlerini ve Çocuk Hizmetlerini endişe hakkında bilgilendirin. Baş Öğretmen/Merkez Başkanı böyle yaparak çocuğun güvenliğine halel gelmeyeceğinden emin olmadıkça, Ebeveynler/Bakıcılar endişeler hakkında her zaman tam olarak bilgilendirilmeyecektir. Adlandırılmış Belirlenmiş Koruma Lideri: Lesley Curtis (Baş Öğretmen/Merkez Başkanı) Adlandırılmış Atanmış Yardımcı Koruma Liderleri şunlardır: Faye O'Connor paula fagan Ruth Scully Çocuk Koruma için adlandırılmış Çocuk Merkezi bağlantısı: paula fagan Koruma ve Çocuk Korumadan sorumlu Atanan Vali: Andrea Vaughan Bakılan Çocuklardan sorumlu Aday Vali: Ruth Scully Çocuk Koruma ve Koruma politikasının kopyaları talep üzerine okuldan/merkezden alınabilir. Bir çocuğun güvenliğiyle ilgili herhangi bir endişeniz varsa, herhangi bir personelle konuşabilir veya alternatif olarak 0151 233 3029 numaralı telefondan Careline'ı arayabilirsiniz. Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy PANTS and The Underwear Rule: Learning about staying safe, keeping our private parts private and respecting the right to privacy – supported by content from the NSPCC.

  • Ofsted Reports | ENSFC

    Ofsted Raporları Everton Anaokulu ve Aile Merkezi, 16 Ekim 2018 tarihinde kısa denetim çerçevesinin 8. Bölümü kapsamında HMI tarafından denetlenmiştir. Başöğretmen Dr. Lesley Curtis'e gönderilen mektubun bir kopyası için lütfen aşağıya tıklayın OBE. Everton Anaokulu ve Aile Merkezi, 2004'ten bu yana bir Anaokulu olarak beşinci Olağanüstü karar olan Üstün Karar'ı sürdürdü. Click Burada Mektubu okumak için . ​ Everton Anaokulu ve Aile Merkezi Ofsted Raporu Everton Anaokulu ve Aile Merkezi, Mayıs 2014'te Ofsted tarafından denetlendi ve Olağanüstü​ kararı verildi. Click raporu okumak için burada. Mayıs 2014 öncesinde, Everton Anaokulu ve Aile Merkezi de Mayıs 2011, Mayıs 2008 ve Mayıs 2004 tarihlerinde denetlenmiştir. Bu denetim raporlarının her birini indirmek ve okumak için lütfen buraya tıklayın . Everton Anaokulu ve Aile Merkezi Kreş Ofsted Raporu ​Everton Anaokulu ve Aile Merkezi Gündüz Bakımevi bölümü, Eylül 2014'te denetlendi ve burada Olağanüstü bir karar verildi. Bu denetim raporunu indirmek ve okumak için lütfen buraya tıklayın . Everton Çocuk Merkezi Ofsted Raporu Everton Çocuk Merkezi Ocak 2011'de teftiş edildi ve burada Olağanüstü bir karar verildi. Bu denetim raporunu indirmek ve okumak için lütfen buraya tıklayın .

  • Phonics | ENSFC

    Phonics öğretme ve öğrenme yaklaşımımız Everton Anaokulunda Everton Nursery School'da çocukları öğrenimlerine dahil ediyoruz çıkarları aracılığıyla. Öğretmenler planlama yapmak için bu ilgi alanlarını kullanırlar. çocukları geliştiren aktif ve yaratıcı öğrenme deneyimleri dinleme ve dikkat becerileri. Öğretmenler, öğretme ve öğrenmeyi desteklemek için 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revize' kılavuzunu kullanır. Öğretmenler, tüm çocuklar için müfredatın 'İletişim ve dil' ve 'Okuryazarlık' beklentilerini karşılayan, çocuk liderliğindeki ve yetişkin liderliğindeki deneyimler dengesini sağlar. Bu günlük deneyimler şunları içerir: · Sharing high-quality stories and poems _cc781905-5cde-3194- bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ · Learning a range of nursery rhymes and action rhymes_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ · Activities that develop focused listening and attention (including oral blending)_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ · _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf5b-136bad5cf58d_ _cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b-136d Sesleri birbirine bağlama konusunda kendine daha fazla güvenen çocuklar için mektuplara ve okumanın erken aşamalarında olanlar, sunarak öğrenmelerine meydan okuyoruz. daha fazla yaş ve aşamaya uygun öğrenme fırsatı hem içeride hem de dışarıda. Geniş bir yelpazede okuyor ve paylaşıyoruz. her ikisine de odaklanan çocuklarla çeşitli kitaplar kurgu ve kurgu olmayan metin. Çocuklara meydan okuyoruz giriş yoluyla fonetik bilgi ve farklı yazı türlerinin kullanılması, böylece çocukların Harfler, sesler, kelimeler, metinler ve bilgiler hakkında derin ve güvenli bir anlayış kazanın. Anaokulu sınıflarındaki çocuklar, ritim ve kafiye gibi kavramların daha da geliştirildiği günlük 'Öğretmen liderliğindeki oturumlara' katılırlar. İç ve dış öğrenme ortamlarında çocuklar, harfler ve dolayısıyla seslerle ilgili bilgilerini sürekli olarak geliştirmek için bir dizi yüksek kaliteli kaynağı keşfetme fırsatına sahiptir. Tesis bünyesindeki Filarmoni müzisyenleri ile 'In Harmony' ve 'Tuning In' ve Kreş Ekibi ile Müzik ve Hareket gibi deneyimler de çocukların seslere uyum sağlama becerilerini destekler. Çocuklar, alkış, diz ya da ayak damgası eklemek veya belirli bir şekilde hareket etmek zorunda oldukları aksiyon tekerlemeleri gibi çok duyusal deneyimleri içeren zengin bir çocuk tekerlemeleri ve aksiyon tekerlemeleri repertuarı yaşarlar._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_ Little Wandle Harfleri ve Sesleri hakkında daha fazla bilgi için lütfen şu adresi ziyaret edin: Sharing high-quality stories and poems Learning a range of nursery rhymes and action rhymes Activities that develop focused listening and attention (including oral blending) Modelling high-quality language during daily interactions. Phonics ​For children who are more confident in linking sounds to letters and who are at the early stages of reading, we challenge their learning through the introduction of more age and stage appropriate learning opportunities both indoors and outdoors. We read and share a broad range of books with the children that focus on both fiction and non-fiction text. We challenge children's phonetical knowledge through the introduction and engagement of different writing genres so that children gain a deep and secure understanding of letters, sounds, words, text and information. Children in the Nursery School classes engage in daily ‘Teacher led sessions’ through which concepts such as rhythm and rhyme are developed further. Throughout the indoor and outdoor learning environments, children have the opportunity to explore a range of high-quality resources to continuously develop their knowledge of letters and, in turn, their sounds. Experiences such as ‘In Harmony’ and ‘Tuning In’ with the Philharmonic musicians on-site and Music and Movement with the Nursery Staff also support children’s ability to tune in to sounds. Children experience a rich repertoire of nursery rhymes and action rhymes that include multi-sensory experiences, such as action rhymes in which children have to add claps, knee pats or foot stamps, or move in a particular way. For more information about Little Wandle Letters and Sounds please visit: Please see the Little Wandle Nursery yearly plan that Everton Nursery School children mostly follow apart from that we do not expose children to Little Wandle 'picture cards' as the planning states. We do not use the Little Wandle picture cards as not all children will continue the Little Wandle Journey into reception so our approach is responsive to this knowledge.

  • Application Forms | ENSFC

    Başvuru formları Başvuru Formları sayfamıza hoş geldiniz. nursery application form parent declaration form privacy notice

  • Subscribe | ENSFC

    Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscibe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newletters Recruitment Liverpool City Region and Beyond Stronger Practice Hub Sign Up Early Years Stronger Practice Hubs will support other early years settings in the designated areas to improve outcomes for children in their local area across the EYFS, but specifically focusing on areas of development that research informs us have been most impacted by COVID-19: personal social and emotional development (PSED); communication and language, and early literacy and mathematics. Each Hub is led by a group-based (school-based, private, voluntary, or independent) early years provider. (Please check your inbox Junk folder for blocked correspondence). * Indicates required question Email Name Local Authority your setting is based in: School / Setting name Setting Postcode Setting URN number: What best describes your role in the Setting Choose an option What best describes your Setting Choose an option Which area would your setting like support with? Communication and Language Literacy Mathematics Other Which Social Media channels would you like to see our information on? Facebook X (Twitter) Instagram Whatsapp Other Would you like to subscribe to our monthly newsletter? Yes No I understand that by signing up on this form, my contact details will be kept by Liverpool City Region and Beyond Stronger Practice Hub at Everton Nursery School and Children's Centre. Your details will be kept for the purpose of sending emails and newsletters. I agree Submit Thanks for subscribing! Please check your inbox Junk folder for blocked correspondence Strategic Partners ​Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice

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