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"" için 77 öge bulundu

  • New application | ENSFC

    1/6 Everton Nursery School and Family Centre Child Application Form Child's name Child's date of birth Gender Choose an option Type of Place required Two Year Old Funded Place Two Year old Paid Place 3 - 5 Years Old 30 Hours 3 - 5 Years Old 15 Hours Home address Email Contact Phone number (The number will be used to contact parents/carers regarding status of application, please call: 0151 233 1969 if there are any changes) AM. (Preferred sessions required (although your choice cannot be guaranteed) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri PM. (Preferred sessions required (although your choice cannot be guaranteed) Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Child's information Nationality: Religion: Asylum Seeker Yes No Special Educational Needs Ethnicity: Languages spoken at home: Refugee Yes No Medical Needs Parent 1 full legal name Parent 1 Date of birth Parent 1 Address Parents 1 NI or NAS Number Parent 2 full legal name Parent 2 Date of birth Parent 2 Address Parent 2 NI or NAS Number Child's Doctor Child’s Health Visitor: Current/Previous Nursery or Childminder Attended: Signed Parent/Carer: Date Submit Application Child’s Social Worker: I have seen the data protection sheet: Yes No Staff use Date Name Thank you for your application. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Splash Pool | ENSFC

    1/5 Konferans Olanakları ve Oda Kiralama Havuz Seansları Mevcut , Çarşamba ve Perşembe oturum saatleri 9.45am - 10.45am,11.15am - 12.15pm, 1.15pm - 14.15pm . Yetişkin başına 4,00 £ maliyet.

  • P.E. | ENSFC

    PE PE öğretimi ve öğrenimi Bakımlı bir Anaokulu olarak Spor Primi alma hakkımız olmasa da, tüm çocuklar için Beden Eğitimi öğretme ve öğrenme konusuna net bir şekilde odaklanıyoruz. Fiziksel Gelişimin EYFS'nin başlıca öğrenme alanlarından biri olduğunu kabul ediyoruz ve bir çocuğun fiziksel gelişiminin, yazmayı öğrenirken de dahil olmak üzere daha sonraki pek çok öğrenmenin temeli olduğunu anlıyoruz. Sonuç olarak, hem içeride hem de dışarıda tüm çocuklara her gün amaca yönelik ve teşvik edici fiziksel öğrenme deneyimleri sağlamaya kararlıyız. Fiziksel Gelişim planımızı indirin ve okuyun. physical development policy

  • programmes

    Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscribe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newsletters Recruitment Programmes Our aim as an Early Years Stronger Practice Hub will be to share communication and language and literacy programmes initially. Please keep checking back as we aim to provide recorded and live webinars and face to face drop in's and twilights regarding the programmes we will offer. In the meantime look at the programmes on offer through the Department for Education (DfE): Strategic Partners Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice

  • Term Dates | ENSFC

    Dönem Tarihleri

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