Welcome to Everton Nursery School and Family Centre.
Mission Statement
The mission of Everton Nursery School and Family Centre is to promote the children’s educational and social development and help families have and achieve high expectations for themselves and the community.
On behalf of all the Staff and Governors I would like to welcome all children and their families.
We look forward to working with you.
The Nursery School and Children's Centre is open 8.00a.m. to 3.30p.m.
Telephone: 0151 233 1969
Telephone calls to the Nursery School and Children's Centre can be supported during this time period. Outside of these times the telephones and reception are not staffed. If you wish to report a child's absence please use Arbor or leave a message on the answer machine.
Please note the waiting areas for classes are via two different entrances. Parents are asked to wait in the designated areas for their child’s class.

Spencer classes
Children are to wait in the staff car park with their parents in Spencer Street.
Cresswell and Heyworth classes
Children are to wait in the waiting area at the back of the school/centre accessed via the Forest School path gate from Spencer Street visitors car park.

我谨代表全体员工和州长欢迎所有儿童及其家人。 我们期待在下一学年与您合作。托儿所和儿童中心的开放时间为上午 8 点 30 分至下午 4 点。在此期间可以支持给托儿所和儿童中心打电话。 在这些时间之外,电话和接待处没有工作人员。 如果您想报告孩子缺勤,请使用 ParentMail 或在答录机上留言。
从 2022 年 9 月起,请注意上课等候区有两个不同的入口。家长被要求在指定区域等候孩子上课,保持社交距离。 Spencer 班级的孩子将与父母一起在 Spencer Street 的员工停车场等候。 Cresswell 和 Heyworth 的孩子将在学校/中心后面的等候区等候,通过 Spencer Street 游客停车场的 Forest School 路径门进入。 Cresswell Street 入口/出口大门在孩子进出场所期间不会打开。 工作人员将在一天开始/结束时支持您进出学校/中心场所学校时代。
请将车停在远离学校大门的地方(不要停在禁止停车的黄色之字形线上)或使用现场的访客停车场或将车停在远离 Spencer 或 Cresswell Street 的地方,然后步行到学校大门入口,以确保所有孩子的安全。_cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
Cresswell 课程:周一、周二、周四和周五上午 9 点开始,下午 3 点结束。 周三上午 Cresswell 课程上午 9 点开始,中午 12 点结束。下午的Cresswell课程在周三中午12点15分到下午3点15分开始。
Spencer 1 和 2 类: 9.00a.m。周一、周二、周四和周五开始,下午 3 点结束。 周三上午 Spencer 课程从上午 9 点开始,中午 12 点结束。下午的 Spencer 课程于周三中午 12 点 15 分至下午 3 点 15 分开始。
Spencer 3 Center for Nurture 课程于上午 9 点开始。下午 3 点结束。在斯宾塞街入口/出口。
Heyworth 课程于上午 9 点开始。从学校/中心后面的等候区进入,下午 3 点结束。在星期一、星期二、星期四和星期五或中午 12 点(如果您有上午的位置)。 星期三上午海沃思课程从上午 9 点开始,到中午 12 点结束。下午的海沃思课程在周三中午 12 点 15 分至下午 3 点 15 分开始。付费地点的时间为上午 8 点至下午 1 点。或下午 1 点到下午 5.15 开始和结束时间。
我们的早餐供应从早上 8 点开始在学校礼堂举行。请在斯宾塞街学校厨房附近的双扇门等候,一名工作人员将从双扇门接收/送走您的孩子。 我们的课后用品也在学校礼堂。 最迟在下午 5 点 15 分之前从课后用品中收集孩子。如果父母/看护人迟到从放学后或主要上课日接孩子/孩子,每小时收费 5 英镑。
任何孩子都不得提前离开托儿所,除非他们有医疗预约并有预约证据。 幼儿园教育资助部分 2 岁和 3 和 4 岁儿童 15 小时,3 和 4 岁儿童 30 小时的工作父母。 所有会议都需要全勤和准时。 出勤率低和守时不佳将受到挑战(根据我们地方当局的要求),并可能影响您孩子的位置。
目前,访问我们的托儿班只能通过预约。 与此同时,请参阅下面我们课堂学习环境的虚拟导览。 Heyworth 是我们的 2-3 年班,Cresswell 和 Spencer 是我们的 3-4 岁班。
如果您有任何问题或疑虑,请联系我 on evertonnsfc@evertoncentre.liverpool.sch.uk
L. 柯蒂斯 Dr.莱斯利柯蒂斯 OBE
Our Breakfast provision is held in the school hall from 8a.m. Please wait at the double doors near to the school kitchen in Spencer Street and a member of staff will receive/dismiss your child from the double doors. Our After School provision is also in the school hall. Children are to be collected from the After School provision by 5.15p.m. at the latest. If parents/carers are late collecting their child/children from After School or the main school day there is a £5 per hour charge.

No children are to leave their nursery sessions early unless they have a medical appointment with evidence seen of the appointment. Nursery education is funded for 15 hours for some 2 year olds and 3 and 4 year olds and 30 hours for 3 and 4 year olds for parents who work. Full attendance and punctuality is required at all sessions. Poor attendance and punctuality will be challenged (as required by our Local Authority) and could impact on your child’s place.
At present, visits to our Nursery Class are by appointment only. In the meantime please see below virtual tours of our classroom learning environments. Heyworth is our 2-3 years classes and Cresswell and Spencer are our 3-4 year olds classes.
Finally, please DO NOT come into the Nursery School or Children's Centre site if
you consider that you have the symptoms of coronavirus.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on evertonnsfc@evertoncentre.liverpool.sch.uk
Yours sincerely
L. Curtis
Dr. Lesley Curtis OBE
Headteacher/Head of Centre