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- In Harmony Nursery school | ENSFC
和谐 In Harmony Liverpool 受到委内瑞拉的 El Sistema 的启发,使用管弦乐制作来改善埃弗顿儿童和年轻人的健康、教育和愿望。 In Harmony Liverpool 成立于 2009 年,当时有 84 个孩子,现在已经有 700 多名 0-18 岁的儿童和青少年及其家人每周免费参加最高质量的管弦乐制作,进出学校。音乐制作在 Faith 小学、Beacon CE 小学、埃弗顿幼儿园和家庭中心、All Saints 天主教小学、安菲尔德儿童中心和我们位于西埃弗顿的排练中心 Friary 的利物浦爱乐乐团进行。_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Sophie Plumb john-connolly Alex Holladay Gareth Twigg Alexandra Dunn 如何联系 In Harmony Liverpool: 电话:07800 873981利物浦
- recruitment
Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Programmes Documents Subscribe Newsletters Blogs Childminders Early Years Professional Development Programme Recruitment Recruitment Do something BIG, work with small children - early years recruitment campaign now live! The Department for Education’s early years and childcare recruitment campaign is now live: ‘Do something BIG. Work with small children.’ The campaign aims to raise the profile of the sector and showcase the important contribution made by early years professionals in preparing young children for school and beyond. It is a multi-channel broadcast campaign, running across TV, cinema, social media, online, radio and out of home advertising to boost interest in the sector and support the recruitment of talented staff. The campaign will point people to a newly launched early years careers website which includes information on the opportunities out there to build a fulfilling career in nurseries, pre-schools or as a childminder. ACTION 1: Upload vacancies to Find a job The campaign and website direct users to DWP’s Find a job platform (which is free to use) to search for roles in their area. We want to ensure as many roles as possible are available to potential applicants in one place. We therefore strongly encourage you to ensure all current or upcoming roles in your setting are listed on Find a Job. Please watch these video tutorials to help you create an employer account and post your jobs. You should use the term ‘early years’ in the title of your job adverts and select ‘Education jobs’ for the job category. This will ensure your vacancies are seen by a large pool of potential candidates. ACTION 2: Help us to promote the campaign We’d be grateful for any support you can offer in promoting the campaign locally. Please use the dropbox of campaign assets to amplify the campaign across your networks and tag all social posts with #DoSomethingBig. The campaign TV advert can also be accessed here . We’ll also be sharing a campaign toolkit with you shortly that contains further assets you can download and use for your own promotional and recruitment needs. If you have any questions about the campaign, please email . Foundation Years is funded by the Department for Education and brought to you by Coram Family and Childcare and Hempsall's. Strategic Partners Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice
- Room Hire | ENSFC
1/6 会议设施和房间租用 会议设施和房间租用 我们可以提供适合各种场合的会议室,从一对一会议到 100 人会议 您一定可以在埃弗顿幼儿园和家庭中心度过舒适的时光。 我们的现场厨房工作人员可以满足您的个人需求和要求。 可以提供演示和 ICT 设备,包括 LCD 投影仪、计算机、扬声器等。 如需更多信息,请致电 0151 233 1969。 房间出租价格 每天 250 英镑,上午 8 点 30 分至下午 4 点 30 分 每天 125 英镑,上午 8 点至中午 12 点或中午 12 点至下午 4 点 下午 3 点之间可按小时使用。晚上 7 点每小时收费 30.00 英镑。 可以提供茶点(茶、咖啡、水和饼干)。 提供免费停车场。 Room Booking Form
- Governor Information | ENSFC
州长信息 宪法 省长出席 州长出席 PFR Parent Governors 州长手册 州长年度计划 州长和委员会结构 州长成员资格和信息 2022/2023
- Parent/Carer Page | ENSFC
父母/照顾者页面 表格和信息 招生 申请表 行为守则 幼儿园迟到 玩具和图书图书馆 致家长/照顾者的信 家长声明表 EYFS 家长指南 家长信息手册 3-5 备用衣服 统一价目表 在 EYFS 中可以期待什么 家长对我们幼儿园的评价 雅各布在托儿所感到安全、支持和被爱,接受三十小时的教育让他有更多时间与同龄人一起探索和学习。这所学校为孩子们提供了学习、发现和享受童年教育的最美妙的环境。作为父母,我们感到非常幸运,Jacob 得到了最高标准的照顾,他的 Family Worker 档案确实帮助我们了解了他的发展里程碑和目标。 -伊丽莎威利斯 - 雅各布威利斯的父母 Bea 在社交和学业上都取得了巨大的进步。她的信心要高得多,我们不可能给她提供这么高的标准。我们不可能为我们的小女孩要求更好的生活。 Bea喜欢户外活动,这也是我们选择这所幼儿园的众多原因之一。 -Bea McKenna 的父母 Sam McKenna Heidi 喜欢来托儿所,我非常感谢工作人员的奉献、支持和辛勤工作,以确保 Heidi 在她学习的所有领域都取得进步。她在托儿所的经历非常棒,家庭和学校之间的沟通也很顺畅。谢谢! -海蒂·休斯 (Heidi Hughes) 的父母弗朗辛·麦卡德尔 (Francine McArdle) Ruby 在陌生人面前总是很疲倦和害羞,学校的常规和积极的氛围让 Ruby 练习变得更加自信。老师们为准备这些有趣、富有创意和想象力的任务所付出的努力并没有被忽视。 Ruby告诉我她很喜欢在外面玩,作为家长我觉得户外的地方很棒。我和 Ruby 的爸爸都很喜欢读故事和看 Ruby 的照片,玩得很开心! - Courtney Needham - Ruby Needham 的父母 恩佐从三十个小时的教育中受益匪浅。今年他的语言能力提高了很多,现在他的英语说得比我们好,有时他甚至会纠正我们的错误。 Enzo 喜欢学校的日常活动,并以按摩开始新的一天。与他的班主任和家庭工作者的沟通非常好,我始终相信恩佐正在享受学校生活,任何疑虑都会及时传达。 -Maria Siqueira - Enzo Siqueira 的父母
- Governor Learning Walk | ENSFC
州长学习步行 有效学习的特点 反射形式 在 EYFS Learning Walk 中寻找什么。
- EYSH Blogs Lost words | ENSFC
和谐 Blogs Lost Words In Harmony Liverpool 受到委内瑞拉的 El Sistema 的启发,使用管弦乐制作来改善埃弗顿儿童和年轻人的健康、教育和愿望。 In Harmony Liverpool 成立于 2009 年,当时有 84 个孩子,现在已经有 700 多名 0-18 岁的儿童和青少年及其家人每周免费参加最高质量的管弦乐制作,进出学校。音乐制作在 Faith 小学、Beacon CE 小学、埃弗顿幼儿园和家庭中心、All Saints 天主教小学、安菲尔德儿童中心和我们位于西埃弗顿的排练中心 Friary 的利物浦爱乐乐团进行。_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ ‘Lost words’ reflected through the three pillars of sustainability and the SDGs. By Diane Boyd As early years practitioners we recognise the importance of our role in supporting children’s oral skills through holistic development. Influential research by Hart and Risley (1992,1995) stated that early year’s children living in poorer disadvantaged situations experienced significantly less adult directed words than their higher socio-economic peers. The research implied there was a ‘30-million-word deficit’ for the lower socio-economic children by the time they were four. That is a lot of missing words! These crucial findings draw attention to the importance of what quality practitioners can do to support and narrow the gap for children through quality interactions and using their quality environments (SDG 4 Quality Education). So, how can we close the gap and support children’s communication skills? The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS DfE, 2024, p9) clearly states the importance of “back-and-forth interactions” as a necessary requirement for language and cognitive development in young children. Sameroff and Fiese (2000) suggest back-and-forth interactions are more important than the quantity of the vocabulary children are exposed to, because the bi-directional conversations shared together are closely entwined with Personal, Social and Emotional Development, a universal prime area (EYFS, DfE,2024). As practitioners we need to focus on ensuring all children have opportunities to encounter through modelling and scaffolding, complex language input with a high level of longer, richer sentences (Rowe, 2008). This aligns with the Education Endowment Foundation – Communication and Language toolkit, which reminds practitioners to support and model effective linguistic aspects of communication. However, reflecting on pedagogical interactions Margaret Donaldson (1978) says this must make ‘human sense’ to the children, suggesting the need to draw on the socio-cultural aspects of community too (SDG 11 Sustainable Cities and communities). Within the Specific Area Understanding the World (EYFS, DfE,2024, p11) practitioners are asked to guide “children to make sense of their physical world and their community.” Taking children out beyond the gates of your setting allows them to experience holistically their neighbourhood, and what makes sense to them. Every neighbourhood is different (think of smells in a city compared to a beach town!) but as the EYFS (DfE, 2024, p 11) states “the frequency and range of children’s personal experiences increases their knowledge and sense of the world around them”. One such example is walking with your children through the town daily or weekly, past the local shops and engaging in back-and-forth conversations, adding new vocabulary as they walk. Exchanging hellos and making conversation with shop keepers will help children to become familiar with new vocabulary that is seemingly being lost due to the overuse of supermarkets. In large supermarkets everything is there and available in one stop – just come in and buy! There are limited interactions, relationships and vocabulary shared. Sadly now, how many children know for instance, what a cobbler is and what their work comprises of, linking here to SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth. By visiting in a natural organic way through a neighbourhood walk, children will become familiar with the shop keepers such as an optician, haberdasher, greengrocer, butcher, chemist, and baker (remember use this core language) that reside on their high street. When do children ever hear these occupational words now? So, it is imperative early years practitioners highlight these words before they become ‘lost’. Reinforce the words further through reading non-fiction books and revisit language associated with each profession, for example, Dylan the Shopkeeper by Guy Parker Rees. Set up your role play as different shops visited to consolidate language further. The new vocabulary can be extended to understand the produce they can purchase from the different shops, resonating with SDG 8, SDG 9, and SDG 11. The EYFS (DfE,2024) asks practitioners to build ‘positive relationships’, and this is a way of doing this through your locality. For example, in the greengrocer discuss the type of apple with the children and then taste test them. Granny Smith or Royal Gala which are sweet or bitter? Think of the lovely describing words or faces here! Other extension activities could include memory games- I went to the baker and I bought bread, a cake, some pastries; or I went to the butcher, and I bought some pork sausages, a bacon chop, some beef burgers; this consolidates the produce from each shop and the repetition aids the children’s cognition. After visiting the high street, the children could make their own big story book from each shop rather than buying books to support. This would be very effective as this supports children’s understanding of text - words and images together have meaning, that there is a beginning, middle and end in books which will make ‘human sense’ to them as this connects them to their community high street shops, and the satisfaction of knowing they wrote the book. Due to plastic credit cards being used in supermarkets there are other words that are now less frequently used in the terms of monetary currency. How often do children hear in purchasing back and forth conversations, or the words pennies and pounds being used? By highlighting during your neighbourhood walks not just the local shop keepers, their profession and produce sold, take the children into the shop, and model the use of real money. As the EEF Communication and Language states “settings should use a range of different approaches to developing communication and language skills.” It is important that children hear your “back-and-forth interactions” (EYFS, DfE,2024p, 9) with the shop keepers, as they are valuable conversations of both produce and currency together. The EEF (Early numeracy approaches) research shows that by utilising holistic pedagogy it has “a higher impact than when maths was delivered as a supplementary activity.” Through these conversations children will hear pennies, pounds, change and cost which they can replicate in role play back at your setting because this makes “human sense” (Donalson,1978) to them. Moving out into the locality and community children will have countless opportunities to use their 5 senses – hearing, smelling, tasting, seeing, and touching. By visiting local parks, gardens, or beaches regularly children will develop empathy and care for their environment. The emphasis is that you always use correct terminology with the children. For example, not the generic term ‘flower’ but daffodil or snow drop, and you encourage the children to observe the fauna but not pick them. There is a fabulous book called Lost Words by Robert MacFarlane and Jackie Morris (2021) which focuses again on disappearing words but this time in the natural world. The book states “all over the country, there are words disappearing from children's lives. These are the words of the natural world; Dandelion, Otter, Bramble, and Acorn, all gone. A wild landscape of imagination and play is rapidly fading from our children's minds. The Lost Words stands against the disappearance of wild childhood”. This book could be used as a follow up to walks or scientific observations in woodland. Crucially for the planet we need to ensure young children hear, use, and understand key words from nature. As the EEF- Early Literacy approaches state you must ensure that “your early literacy strategy is well-balanced and combines approaches that will support the development of skills, knowledge and understanding”. From a sustainable perspective we need to invest in our locality whether this is the high street or park or woodlands or coastline. If children develop a relationship with their community and locality then they will love the area, respect the area and care for the area. EEF- Early years evidence highlights “approaches for teaching early literacy should, therefore, be used in ways that build on approaches that support communication and language, which are fundamental to children’s literacy.” This resonates with the Specific Area Knowledge and Understanding which asks practitioners to “foster their understanding of our culturally, socially, technologically, and ecologically diverse world” EYFS (DfE,2024, p11). Extending and developing these ‘lost words’ of the high street and environment builds “important knowledge,” and “extends their familiarity with words that support understanding across domains” (EYFS, DfE, 2024, p11). Economic sustainability through regular opportunities to use and understand words associated with currency, socio-cultural sustainability through engaging and connecting with your local community high street shops and environmental sustainability with care and empathy because of a relationship with the natural world. This clearly demonstrates the interconnected and holistic approaches to both early childhood and sustainability.
- SEND Enhanced Provision | ENSFC
培育中心 欢迎来到育儿中心页面。 请查看以下一系列活动,供您在家中与孩子一起参加。 我们将继续添加此页面。 如果您对 4-7 岁儿童的家庭学习活动有任何建议,请发送电子邮件 资源 故事 在我们的 Youtube 频道上 YouTube 频道工作人员的故事。 Children have access to daily sensory circuits which include proprioceptive and vestibular movements that are designed to alert, organise and calm; helping to regulate. From April 2022, our Centre for Nurture became a Local Authority resourced provision for children with special educational needs and disability (SEND) for children 2.5 years to 5 years of age. The Objectives of the Resourced Maintained Nursery School Provision The objectives are to provide specialist provision and strategies that are suitable for the age, ability and aptitude or SEND of each child so that: they are happy at nursery, feel included and fully participate in the life of the nursery school they have a successful transition to the next setting their parents have confidence in the SEND provision offer in Liverpool’s maintained nursery schools Eligibility Criteria for the Provision at Everton Maintained Nursery School Age Children will be aged 2.5-5 years In exceptional circumstances, the local authority may place children outside this age criteria SEND SEND eligibility will be assessed by a LCC SEND Early Years Officer In exceptional circumstances, the local authority may place children outside this SEND criteria Children will have speech, language and communication needs or be on the neurodevelopment pathway or have a diagnosis of autism Communicative abilities will be significantly delayed in both expressive and receptive skills and children are highly likely to have had these needs identified very early by a trained professional such as a speech and language therapist The severity of the impact of autism, or potential autism, upon the child will be profound and multi-faceted and will have a significant detrimental impact upon the child’s ability to: Engage in any level of formal learning or purposeful play Demonstrate or develop the fundamentals of communication, Self-manage behaviours that challenge such as aggressive behaviour, self-harm, or alternative high risk behaviours Self-regulate potential sensory processing disorders resulting in the need for seeking/avoidance mechanisms to cope with environments even when adapted Naturally interpret, and learn from social situations at an age appropriate level despite targeted and specific learning attempts Naturally develop the ability to apply flexible thinking techniques as part of typical development, e.g. making choices, anticipating sequences/outcomes, managing micro and macro transitions Some children will be under assessment for or have additionally diagnosed conditions including cognition and learning needs (CLN) and sensory needs associated with autism or potential autism Children identified for maintained nursery school resourced places are highly likely to be working at levels identified within the engagement model The above needs impact upon the child simultaneously resulting in significant challenges to delivering provision without significant adaptations, namely: 1:1 teacher led specialist programmes, highly adapted environments individual, specific and personalised assess, plan, do and review cycles requiring highly specialist skills and knowledge Some children will be under assessment for or have additionally diagnosed conditions including cognition and learning needs (CLN) and sensory needs associated with CASC Children identified for resourced maintained nursery school places are highly likely to be working at levels identified within the engagement model Placement of Children in Resourced Maintained Nursery Schools Whilst the placement process is embedded, individual children will be identified by the local authority in partnership with key staff in the maintained nursery schools (please see Maintained Nursery School Resourced Placement Pathway). In order to quickly place and meet need, children will not require an EHCP to be eligible for a resourced maintained nursery school place, as it is expected that, as criteria for resourced provision has been met, children being placed will be assessed using the statutory frameworks, to ensure pathways into reception are considered at the earliest opportunity For children with an EHCP, maintained nursery schools will be consulted by LCC's SEND Team Upon placement, the current high needs funding agreement for the child will cease and the High Needs Support Team will be alerted by the maintained nursery school The placement process will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to ensure an equitable citywide offer Criteria for Children The Headteacher or SENDCo at Everton Nursery School and Family Centre will support transition to the next setting and bring to the attention of the local authority at the earliest opportunity any potentially deferred children The Accommodation for the Provision The accommodation will consist of an appropriate early years teaching and learning space for children with SEND, aged 2.5-5 years Staffing The provision will be overseen by the Senior Leadership Team of Everton Nursery School Individual children’s SEND support planning will be overseen by staff holding qualified teacher status Staff will have annual performance management reviews resulting in the writing of a development plan outlining their continuing professional development, to ensure that they are kept updated in the field of SEND, and early years provision.
- Supporting self-regulation in the early | ENSFC
Liverpool City Region and beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub Hub Home Events Blogs Childminders Programmes Documents Subscribe Early Years Professional Development Programme Newsletters Recruitment Supporting self-regulation in the early years Amanda Quirk is an early years teacher and leader with over 30 years’ experience working with children 0 -5, early years teachers and educators in PVIs and schools. Amanda currently works as EYFS Lead for the Liverpool City Region and Beyond Early Years Stronger Practice Hub, is EYFS lead for Generate Teaching School, and is an area lead for the DFE Experts and Mentors programme. In my role I am lucky enough to be out and about the North West, supporting many early years’ practitioners, leaders and managers. Working with young children post COVID has brought some even bigger challenges to us all. One current issue I have observed and I hear about is children who lack basic social skills, have poor emotional regulation, no impulse control, lack focus and are unable to adapt to different situations. These behaviours are closed aligned to self-regulation. I am not alone in worrying about this trend and what it may mean in the future for these children. The Early Years Foundation Stage statutory framework for group and school-based providers. January 2024, states. ‘Children should be supported to manage emotions, develop a positive sense of self, set themselves simple goals, have confidence in their own abilities, to persist and wait for what they want and direct attention as necessary.’ Self-regulation is what makes self-control possible. Without the skills linked to self-regulation, there is an inability to manage oneself and to control actions linked to strong emotions and feelings. This could lead to conflict with peers and adults, a brake down in friendships, and may become a barrier to learning. As early year’s educators, we are fortunate, in that we have a chance to work with children at their most receptive and responsive. This thought always gives me hope and the belief that in early years, we can be arbiters of change. The OFSTED report ‘Best Start in Life Part 2’ makes clear the research that supports links between strong PSED skills and academic success (follow the link below) Here are 3 key strategies that research advocates in supporting young children to start better self-regulation: Help children to name a range of different emotions. Use yourself, books and stores, pictures, mirror play, photographs and role play to name and recognise different emotions and feelings with children to extend their vocabulary. Help children to understand these different emotions. Talk about how different emotions look or feel like in order to help children better understand themselves. Model a range of feelings and emotions and how to deal with them. : Be a role model by demonstrating positive behaviours. Encourage empathy and understanding by discussing feelings and emotions with children, helping them develop their language and emotional intelligence. Co regulation before self-regulation. Initially narrate the problem and possible solutions with children, then gradually move on to coaching children through real life events that will help to develop language and strategies available to them independently. The good news is that we can teach self-regulation skills, and they can be learnt. The tools and resources you use may not cost a lot but will have a big impact on the lives of the children in your setting. If we help children to identify their emotions and teach strategies to help children to cope with how they are feeling or what is happening, we will be giving the life-long gift of being able to achieve goals and navigate life’s challenges. For further information and reading, please click the links below. OFSTED Research and analysis. Best Start in Life Part 2 Best start in life part 2: the 3 prime areas of learning - GOV.UK ( EEF. Personal Social and Emotional Development. Approaches and practices to support Personal, Social and Emotional development in the Early Years EEF | Personal Social and Emotional Development ( Strategic Partners Stronger Practice Hub Privacy Notice
- Online Safety | ENSFC
上网安全 埃弗顿幼儿园和家庭中心的在线安全对我们来说非常重要。 请参阅下面的各种链接,以支持您在上网时保护自己和孩子的安全。 _cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ 我们最近开通了自己的 You Tube 频道。 为了在观看 You Tube 时保护您的孩子,请查看显示简单说明的 PDF使用 You Tube 时的模式'。 这将在您的孩子浏览网站时阻止成熟或不适当的内容。 限制指南 YouTube 如需 Facebook 家长指南,请点击 这里 . Facebook上的更多信息, 关联 . 更多社交媒体指南 这里。 想知道 是来自英国NCA-CEOP的教育计划,该组织是一个在线和离线保护儿童的组织 Thinkuknow Online 居家安全包 简单的 15 分钟家庭活动 can do to support their child's online safety in home.套装适用于 4 至 14 岁以上的儿童。家长还可以观看我们关于不同在线安全主题的视频指南。 Thinkuknow 在线安全工具包 对于面对面的学习: Bitesize 活动和工作表 基于我们的家庭活动包,您可以在您的教育环境中面对面地向儿童和年轻人提供这些活动包。这些工具包适用于 5 至 14 岁以上的儿童。 有关包括社交媒体在内的一系列 ICT 事务的信息,请单击 这里 访问 BBC Webwise 页面。 几年前,埃弗顿幼儿园和家庭中心获得了 360 度安全在线安全标志。 要阅读或下载我们学校/中心的在线安全政策,请单击 这里 .
- Home Learning Stories | ENSFC
家庭学习故事 图书托拉斯 来自英国最大的儿童阅读慈善机构 Booktrust 的互动故事。 有些狗会 猫头鹰宝宝 丛林中的隆隆声 小心打开 我f 你的快乐,你知道